IluminaTi Suggestion(Good for other Twisties as well)


Newly Enlightened
May 21, 2002
Well after spending time lubing, cleaning, polishing and lubing again I still didn't love the feel of the threads on the IluminaTi so I grabbed some Teflon plumbers tape and wrapped the threads. This feels much nicer to me, I haven't experimented much with exactly how many times around but 3 seems to work well. If you haven't worked w/ this stuff before you want to wind it in the same direction that the head screws down, ie. clockwise, also I find it easier to unwind it from the roll in the opposite fashion than might seem normal, meaning that the outward facing surface of the tape is facing the threads. Also carefully trim it so that it isn't on the o-ring or extending above the threads, and one other note is that this stuff is pretty statically attractive (?) so keep it away from any dirt, hair etc.

This is also a good way to tighten up a loose fitting head such as the one discussed in Monocrom's thread; Quest for reliable, tiny, keychain light.
Thanks for the tip, Darkstar. Next time I sit down for a cleaning and lubing session I think I'll give this a try. Should be just the ticket for loose threads.
