The first light I need to find will run from a single AA alkaline and suck as much juice out of it as possible, what is sometimes called a vampire. I don't want to build my own joule thief at this time. I have seen threads on this before, but I am having trouble finding one for a single AA. Gerber infinity ultra maybe? Anything that might be found at a local store, like a River Rock?
The second light is more of a priority for them. My "little flashaholic" has taken to falling asleep with a flashlight on. Alkalines are getting too expensive, and I don't want to damage my rechargables. The only requirements for this light are not especially bright, and no twisties. Something my 2 1/2 year old daughter can turn on, and perhaps even turn off now and then
So, probably something with a 5mm led and a low voltage cut off circuit at what, .8 volts? Or perhaps there is a light I am not aware of with a timer circuit in it that shuts itself off after say, 30 minutes? Oh yah, one more requirement for this one. It can't come apart easily and have small edible parts. And a 2 cell light would be fine, if I don't run the risk of damaging batteries. Could I trust the light to shut off at low voltage on a 2 cell and not damage one battery?
The second light is more of a priority for them. My "little flashaholic" has taken to falling asleep with a flashlight on. Alkalines are getting too expensive, and I don't want to damage my rechargables. The only requirements for this light are not especially bright, and no twisties. Something my 2 1/2 year old daughter can turn on, and perhaps even turn off now and then