Indoctrining a new flashaholic


Aug 4, 2007
Being a patriot in the fine state of PA
First, let me say, its not that I don't know what to say, its that I don't know here to start... The person I am going to be "working on" knows that surefires are of high quality and pretty much believes that mag lites are the best thing for flashlights(he EDCs a mag 2Xaa) so what should I reference him to, what should I tell him first? I need somewhere to start and somewhat of an agenda, then I can fill in the gaps. Thanks a lot for the help CPF,

Show him a modded mag ... multi emitter, HID or P7, that will knock his socks off :devil::devil::devil:

(especially when you tell him the price :p )
start by telling the current light if he/she wants to learn about the past then give help

start about incan led difference, batteries, brands, dealers, modding and ofcourse the part where your wallet becomes thin
Pick up his Mag light, tell him that in its time, it was a great light, but look at what you can do with one now. Then whip out your custom Mag and as they say "Shock and Awe" .
Demonstrate any new LED pocketlight to him. The difference will be nearly self explanatory since it will likely be 10x the output while still providing better run-time.
I'd say start with giving hims something like his minimag but brighter, and if it fits in your price range, something with 2 modes(I'm think of the Fenix L2T V2.0).
Demonstrate any new LED pocketlight to him. The difference will be nearly self explanatory since it will likely be 10x the output while still providing better run-time.

I agree with Patriot.:thumbsup:
You need to show him a small high output LED flashlight which will be many times brighter than a 2AA Maglite, and still have great runtime.
I always recommend the 150 Lumen Task Force 2C 60X Brighter LED flashlight $30 from Lowes as I have it and it is many times brighter than my huge 4D Maglite and throws over twice as far. IMO it is a great starter to high power LED's, as it is so small and light and runs over one hour at full brightness and then many more hours.
You could always show him a MiniMag drop in as well, like the Terralux, to show him how much better things even for the MiniMag have gotten.

I've tried several times with my father in law, and my two brothers in law with no success. They think my lights are cool and interesting and all, as well as crazy bright at times (they thought the Mag85 was something else...) but have never considered that they would benefit from something better. Father in law is just cheap and won't buy good tools. But the brothers are another story - one is a big camper and the other does a ton of work on his vintage cars where you'd think a small but powerful light to see into small nooks and crannies would really be an asset...

Good luck - it clicks for some and for some it doesn't...
Show him something like a Fenix E20. It will be at least ten times brighter, use the same batteries, and have the same focusing ability as his minimag. You need to show him that other lights can do the same things as his favorite light but do them way better. I got my cousin to edc an E01 after showing him how it would blow away his Mag solitaire. (Obviously, I had to buy it for him, but it was well worth it.) I don't think he'll ever go back to that lousy Mag. Don't start someone off with a light that uses expensive lithium batteries. Contrary to popular belief here, not everyone has Internet access and can get them cheap. A friend was trying to show off a $60 Pelican light that another friend gave him on a campout. He wasn't happy when I told him how much the 123A batteries were in the stores. Lithiums and lithium ions also require special care and disposal. Start him off with a light that can take alkaline, NiMH, and lithium batteries like an E20, L2D, E01, or other similar light. If you don't, he'll either never use the light or he'll come running to you every time he needs more batteries. By the way, even a $12.50 E01 has about the same brightness as a standard Minimag. It's not that expensive to get him something better than he currently has.
Atleast buy him a drop-in for his Mini-Mag.

I just received a ArcMania Super MJ LED drop-in for the Mini-Mag from Lighthound for $7.

It seems to be around 15-20 lumens and is brighter than the stock bulb.

Currently doing a runtime test on a pair of Eneloops, but it should take a looooonnnnggg time for them to die. Way longer than the standard bulb, plus it never burns out.

That said my other lights smoke it in terms of light output.

But I think it will be all a non-flashaholic will need, plus it allows him to keep the Mini-Mag host that he seems to be quite fond of.
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The E20 would shock him in it`s brightness without flooring him with the cost. An L0D q4 with a 3 volt batt running it should scramble his brain :tinfoil:
I don't think I can spend my money on him, but I can spend HIS money:nana:

Any good links? I plan on copy and pasting some stuff to an email and sending it to him because his filters oddly block CPF. I'll send him some info on good Fenix's, any other good links people know of?

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