I disagree about BatteryJunction's price being out of line. The metlarules link points to a package that includes 4 batteries. They also sell just the BC1-HU charger for $25.95. http://www.batteryjunction.com/vabcunsmch.html
If you don't want to loose time on the approximately 20 hour charge, keep an extra fully charged set on hand with the 8 battery package for $74.95. Don't forget BatteryJunction's 5% discount with the coupon code, "CPF2006". http://www.batteryjunction.com/bcqusmch8d10.html
A couple of things about the BC1-HU:
They don't mention anything about it in the directions, but you need to leave the door open while charging. It builds up too much heat otherwise and at the very least extends the charging time.The green LED indicating a completed charge, is actually an 80 ma trickle charge. You can just leave your D cells topped off in the charger till needed.