Information on GP Recyko fast charger & AA betteries...primarely best maintenance!

Alex 007

Newly Enlightened
Dec 8, 2006
Information on GP Recyko fast charger & AA betteries...primarely best maintenance!


As I live in Israel, order yesterday from our locally cheapest provider the Fast charger with "Indicator" Hybrid charger + another set of 4 total, will own 8 batteries & the charger type green colour GP Recyko model.

Will make me extremely happy, if will get from the "Batteries/Chargers" Gurus...all the advise/information on "How to get the maximum maintenance procedure"...about my last acquired "Toy"...specially acquired for my lovely Fuji S3 digitally body...which "Loves" eat batteries...:hitit:
Thanks so much for your polite consideration to me!:wave:


Alex 007
Re: Information on GP Recyko fast charger & AA betteries...primarely best maintenance

i used recykos for my camera too. and my camera didnt like them much. should have linked the 2 together when my camera couldnt work when i loaded new GP alkies sometime back. hope they work for you. i cant offer you any advise but just wait patiently, there are lots of guys who knows much about batteries in here who can help you :)
Re: Information on GP Recyko fast charger & AA betteries...primarely best maintenance

i used recykos for my camera too. and my camera didnt like them much. should have linked the 2 together when my camera couldnt work when i loaded new GP alkies sometime back. hope they work for you. i cant offer you any advise but just wait patiently, there are lots of guys who knows much about batteries in here who can help you :)

Thanks so much...just 15 minutes earlier got to my e-mail account a confirmation that the Store sent the two registered parcel post to my home II think that during this week will get it.:hitit:
Don't worry I'm a learn how to be patiently...till a "Guru"...will advise me right:whistle:


Alex 007