INOVA T4 + 18650

Now THAT'S what I call a review!

sorry, what?

Inova T4 is a fixed rechargeable light, it has its own rechargeables inside I thought?

please explain!
flashy bazook said:
sorry, what?

Inova T4 is a fixed rechargeable light, it has its own rechargeables inside I thought?

please explain!

yes...but if u go hiking during the night....if the inova rechargeable li ion battery stop working...u can use the 18650 li ion battery(it's cheaper than another inova battery)
VT-Metal-VT said:
yes...but if u go hiking during the night....if the inova rechargeable li ion battery stop working...u can use the 18650 li ion battery(it's cheaper than another inova battery)

but, but,...

if you want to use the 18650, why then buy the T4 in the first place? Just buy the T5? avoid the expense and weight of the inbuilt rechargeable?

I am sure I am missing something simple!
But... but... I think he's just saying if you have a T4 and were wondering if an 18650 would work, it does. I don't think he's trying to convince anyone to get the T4 over the T5... He's just providing information.
cratz2 said:
But... but... I think he's just saying if you have a T4 and were wondering if an 18650 would work, it does. I don't think he's trying to convince anyone to get the T4 over the T5... He's just providing information.

OK, fair enough, I get it - it's like you got a 1996 Ford pick-up truck, but wonder if you can put in a Ferrari engine in it, and you find out that it can be done because someone has done it. Point taken.

Actually I do admire people who do things to prove they can be done, even if, or especially if, they would not normally occur to others to even try to do them.
Its nice to have someone verify on the risk of burning out a perfectly good lite that the 18650 works in the T4. Thank you sir for risking your T4. I can attest to the fact that it works also. My Original T4 battery died on me and I had an AW protected 17670 in it until yesterday, I replaced the 17670 with another newly delivered AW protected 18650 battery. Just be careful to note that the +ve side of the battery faces the endcap. Battery goes in -ve.
flashy bazook said:
but, but,...

if you want to use the 18650, why then buy the T4 in the first place? Just buy the T5? avoid the expense and weight of the inbuilt rechargeable?

I am sure I am missing something simple!

If you were to put a 18650 into a T5, one thing is that it wont fit. The T5 is a three cell light that requires 9v and will not run off of 4.2 - 3.7v. unfortunately Inova hasnt made a light specifically for this battery type, though charging the battery in a seperate charger and then putting it into the light does work like a charm. 2200 mAh cells gives you a good 2 hours and 5 minutes of regulated output. Of course after that we all the the light just shuts off and leaves you in the dark.:awman: It's a really good thing if you want spare batteries to carry on the go too:grin2:
This is something which has interested me since I got my T4 over a year ago. What king of "shelf life" could be expected from a charged 18650 stored out of the light for emergencies? Are we talking days, months?

Also, do you charge the 18650 in the light using the supplied Inova charger or is a seperate one required?

I'm in the UK and really struggle to find suppliers and info on these matters, so please excuse the stupid questions! We use 240v AC power here.

I'm a cop and would like to keep a spare batt in the duty bag, for those long nights....

As an aside, I love my T4. I use it daily, for work and walking the dog. It has been soaked, dropped, used to smash a window and lost in the snow for two days. Sometimes a bit more spill would be handy but....
hey guys i used both Wolf-Eye Cells with the regular Wolf-Eye Charger and those work like a charm, though they are still pretty expensive. i also tried the ones you can find and battery station ( which are also protected and they work pretty good too. just charge them off the regular T4 Cradle and in the charger they are designed to be in and you will be fine. i did try charging one of the batteries from batterystation in the T4 and it did pop the battery so i dont recommend that.

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