Inova T4 Problem


Newly Enlightened
Feb 24, 2008
Tucson, AZ
Hello All! I recently started reading through the posts here and I appreciate all of the great information. I saw some posts about the 2008 model T4 and I thought it would fit my needs well. I just received the one I ordered and I believe mine might be defective.

The light will not turn off all the way. In the 'off' position, it still glows slightly. I bought this as a duty flashlight as a police officer, so obviously I cannot have a light that still glows when I don't want it on! Does anyone have any solution to this other than the time/expense of shipping it back to where I ordered from? Thanks in advance...
Are you sure you're not activating the low mode? If you click the switch w/in two seconds of the main beam coming on, the light will go into low mode.

Turn it on and wait 5 seconds or so and see if the light turns off completely.

As a Deputy, I went through 3 Inova T4's that all had troubles. Customer service wasn't very helpful. Here's the answer to your problem.
You won't be sorry with the Wolf-Eyes Sniper. Mike at PTS will take care of you. If you have any troubles, which you won't, Mike will make it right. I carry the Raider on my Duty Belt and the Sniper in my pocket as a backup.
Best of Luck, and be safe.
Are you sure you're not activating the low mode? If you click the switch w/in two seconds of the main beam coming on, the light will go into low mode.

Turn it on and wait 5 seconds or so and see if the light turns off completely.


No, the light is not in low mode unfortunately. It is very dim, maybe just a couple lumens. In fact I was trying to fix the problem by removing the battery completely, and I noticed that it still lit up without the battery when it was in the charger! It would go on for a second and then go off for a second in the charger.

I think the high beam pattern is great and about perfect for a patrol light. The low mode is nice, although perhaps a little brighter than idea.

I guess I'm going to have to ship it back and wait. :(
I think the high beam pattern is great and about perfect for a patrol light. The low mode is nice, although perhaps a little brighter than idea.

How bright is the low beam, and what do you think is ideal for you?
How bright is the low beam, and what do you think is ideal for you?

I'm not sure what to compare the low beam to...perhaps it is a third of the high beam strength? For me, I'd like the low beam to be just bright enough to read a drivers license, or write a citation. I would say somewhere around 15 or 20 lumens. I would like to have that strength of light available for hours if need be. I have not seen any statistics about the runtime of the T4 in low mode, and since mine is getting shipped back to the store, I won't be able to check it anytime soon!

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