Inova X1 update


Oct 19, 2007
Dallas, TX
You might already know, but I went crazy before Christmas and bought 2 of the new X1 lights and 2 of the old second gen versions at Target. One of the 2nd gen lights went out after about 15 minutes and I had to return it. The other is still rock solid and working fine. It still has a horrible blue tint though.

The new X1's were just awful. They ran for a little while, maybe half an hour, then started strobing for about 20 minutes, then started to dim rapidly. Horrible! I returned both.

Anyway, I had 20 bucks too much in my pocket last week and noticed that Target had just recieved a new shipment for INova, so I bought another one to see if they had fixed the problem. Maybe I just got a good one, but this one is fantastic!

It runs around 2 hours ant full brightness, then gives another 2 hours or so at diminishing levels. NO STROBING!!!! Woohoo!

I prefer the shape/size of the P1D and the light output from the River Rock AA is much higher for only 2 dollars more. But the X1 has a fantastic color and I like the cylindrical shape of it. Fits my pocket better than the big reflector on the River Rock or the HUGE reflector on the little Rommison AA.

But the best thing is the twisty switch. It doesn't wake the wife up at night like a clicky does. And it's big enough that I don't knock it over and make a noise like I do with my EOD and my Arc-AAA.

I'm a little worried about the 2,000 hour LED life, but maybe I'll just mod it when it dies.

I'm pretty happy with this thing now that I finally got one that doesn't strobe!!! I want the UV version next (maybe next month since my wife is already going to freak when she sees that I just spend another hundred bucks at lighthound just now! haha). :)
I have a newer X1, and sometimes it strobes when the battery is very low, and sometimes it doesn't. I seem to be able to "coax" it to strobe by tapping the head of the light on a table or something. Kind of annoying. I'd rather it just get dimmer and dimmer instead of strobing like that. Aside from that issue, though, I like the X1. Reasonably bright, good tint, and very tough.

for creeping around the house at night, and not waking anyone up, i like the Inoxa X5 with RED leds the best.

It only takes ONE 123a battery. It produces USABLE light from batteries that won't make other lights glow, the red light preserves night vision, the twisty is silent.

it is just awsome. it is hands down my most used light.
Interesting observation. I got a gen3 X1 as a replacement from Inova when my gen2 died. I like it a lot. It strobes when the battery weakens to a point, then diminishes over many hours. In December I bought 2 more as gifts and both were A LOT BRIGHTER than mine. I don't know about runtime.

So maybe Inova tweaked something?

BTW - Don't worry about the 2000 hour life. By the time it dies, you can probably have Inova replace it for a new X1, probably a newer version too.

for creeping around the house at night, and not waking anyone up, i like the Inoxa X5 with RED leds the best.

It only takes ONE 123a battery. It produces USABLE light from batteries that won't make other lights glow, the red light preserves night vision, the twisty is silent.

it is just awsome. it is hands down my most used light.

+1 on that. I just wish they made a dim white LED X5 version, not with super bright overdriven Nichia CS, but warm white LED's driven @ 15ma each :D
I have 2 favorite creep around at night lights. Both are twisty (silent) and dim.

My Fenix E0 because it's not bright at all. I don't care for the bluish hotspot though.

My other favorite is an old Mag AA that I just stuck a red LED into. I have to use 1.2v recharegeables or old, worn out batteries or it's too bright, but it runs forever on old batteries and the price was right (free!).
I to have an X1 with strobe issues. The first (G3) went back last week and the replacement one still strobes as yours did after about 5 mins of constant use. Not sure why they strobe but I can't be bothered to return another one. I think i'l just bin it and remember not to buy another Inova again. I fully understand that its a good price etc for a regulated light but the strobe problem makes it useless for me.

I use a Gladius on lowest setting for night when trying not to wake anybody else - much better but different league in terms of price, quality and pretty much everything else so its not really an alternative.

I just wanted a cheap single AA regulated tough light that I could use at work that stayed on and not gave my work mates an epileptic fit every time they looked over in my direction.

Oh well......
I just wanted a cheap single AA regulated tough light that I could use at work that stayed on and not gave my work mates an epileptic fit every time they looked over in my direction.

Oh well......

I ordered one of these some time ago. Shipping takes forever (still waiting) but people gave it great reviews around here. Has Hi and Low settings. Very simple, common, cheap, single AA battery powered pocket light.

BTW, the company informed me they are only available in black before they shipped it.
I ordered one of these some time ago. Shipping takes forever (still waiting) but people gave it great reviews around here. Has Hi and Low settings. Very simple, common, cheap, single AA battery powered pocket light.

BTW, the company informed me they are only available in black before they shipped it.

Thanks for your advice. I binned the Inova as it was useless to me and ordered a P1D Q5 as it came highly recommended on this forum. Hopefully I won't have any strobe issues with that one!

I think I may order one of these little lights as well though because I can get free AA Duracells from work!