You might already know, but I went crazy before Christmas and bought 2 of the new X1 lights and 2 of the old second gen versions at Target. One of the 2nd gen lights went out after about 15 minutes and I had to return it. The other is still rock solid and working fine. It still has a horrible blue tint though.
The new X1's were just awful. They ran for a little while, maybe half an hour, then started strobing for about 20 minutes, then started to dim rapidly. Horrible! I returned both.
Anyway, I had 20 bucks too much in my pocket last week and noticed that Target had just recieved a new shipment for INova, so I bought another one to see if they had fixed the problem. Maybe I just got a good one, but this one is fantastic!
It runs around 2 hours ant full brightness, then gives another 2 hours or so at diminishing levels. NO STROBING!!!! Woohoo!
I prefer the shape/size of the P1D and the light output from the River Rock AA is much higher for only 2 dollars more. But the X1 has a fantastic color and I like the cylindrical shape of it. Fits my pocket better than the big reflector on the River Rock or the HUGE reflector on the little Rommison AA.
But the best thing is the twisty switch. It doesn't wake the wife up at night like a clicky does. And it's big enough that I don't knock it over and make a noise like I do with my EOD and my Arc-AAA.
I'm a little worried about the 2,000 hour LED life, but maybe I'll just mod it when it dies.
I'm pretty happy with this thing now that I finally got one that doesn't strobe!!! I want the UV version next (maybe next month since my wife is already going to freak when she sees that I just spend another hundred bucks at lighthound just now! haha).
The new X1's were just awful. They ran for a little while, maybe half an hour, then started strobing for about 20 minutes, then started to dim rapidly. Horrible! I returned both.
Anyway, I had 20 bucks too much in my pocket last week and noticed that Target had just recieved a new shipment for INova, so I bought another one to see if they had fixed the problem. Maybe I just got a good one, but this one is fantastic!
It runs around 2 hours ant full brightness, then gives another 2 hours or so at diminishing levels. NO STROBING!!!! Woohoo!
I prefer the shape/size of the P1D and the light output from the River Rock AA is much higher for only 2 dollars more. But the X1 has a fantastic color and I like the cylindrical shape of it. Fits my pocket better than the big reflector on the River Rock or the HUGE reflector on the little Rommison AA.
But the best thing is the twisty switch. It doesn't wake the wife up at night like a clicky does. And it's big enough that I don't knock it over and make a noise like I do with my EOD and my Arc-AAA.
I'm a little worried about the 2,000 hour LED life, but maybe I'll just mod it when it dies.
I'm pretty happy with this thing now that I finally got one that doesn't strobe!!! I want the UV version next (maybe next month since my wife is already going to freak when she sees that I just spend another hundred bucks at lighthound just now! haha).