Inova X5 plus Cree Q5 Equals X2T


Dec 7, 2006

*Cree Q5 WC
*2 Modes, high and low
*Voltage range: 4 -6V
*Battery type: 2 X Cr123A
*Tactical switch
*Loose tailcap and tighten it to change the modes.





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Come on you gotta give more info than that. I'm liking the tighten/loosen tailcap to change modes.
It does exactly that. It works just like a real Inova X5, except the positive end of battery goes toward the head.

coulda fooled me from the top...thats too much of a clone, I say its a mod, and your telling us that its a clone so no one would PM you for the modding service :crackup:
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Would you be able to measure current draw on high and on low? Trying to decide if I need another 2xCR123 light.
The Pressing question is could it be done on a Genuine X5???:poke:

freeze popping is the only option, it would require the modder to build a new SS bezel, reflector, electronics all to fit in the X5 head and vice it back together without crushing anything...a pretty tough assignment for anyone who has tried modding an inova:shakehead
Now that I'm back on the computer with my data in front of me...
Brass is about half the combined thermal conductivity & capacity as Aluminum per volume, but is very dense, so it is about one quarter as good as AL per unit mass. Near pure Copper is more than twice as good as AL per unit volume, but ~25% worse than AL per unit mass (depending on alloys).
Brass is actually a poor heat sink material.
The Pressing question is could it be done on a Genuine X5???:poke:
Yes it can. I have one from a few years back that was done. I can send pics if somebody can post em. You have to ask one of the old timers here who did it, I was told he was east coast (not Milky). Could have been Chop maybe? Anyhow it's Luxeon with an optic, looks absolutely stock. :huh:
my modded X5 is probably from the same wizard (he did a nifty luxeon pill for a CMG Infinity body)

my X5 has an old, but good Q3 HD Luxeon and the optic gives a nice bright blob o' light

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