Inova XO seoul mod


Jul 23, 2007
Helsinki, Finland
I used the freezer method to open Inova XO reflector model yesterday. Got another one for modding from Lighthound for 25$, didn't want to ruin my only one.
The XO seems to be different construction than the XO3 seen in some threads, so I'll post some pictures.

Here is the light after the freezing. There were some thread like grooves that got ripped out where the anodizing is gone. The bezel seems to be tight, but I think that some epoxy is needed when reassembling.
And a coin should be used in tailcap when freezing. I couldn't find small enough coin and made small dent in the tailcap.


Here are the parts disassebled.



The light is using the aluminiumm reflector as heatsink. This creates a small problem, because I can't sand down the reflector with my tools without loosing the centering tabs.

So this leads to my question: What happens to the beam if I put 0,3mm copper plate under the emitter, but don't change the reflector. Is the beam something between the original beam and beam of a souled light without other changes?

And is there safe way to clean the lens through the led hole? There is some residue on the inside surface of the glass, but I don't want to ruin the reflector or lens with too strong chemicals.
It looks like you need to do 3 things.
1. Use a .03" spacer under the LED

2. Use the side of a file to remove more of the grooves in the back of the reflector.
This is because the spacer will push the LED and wires higher into the reflector's backside, grounding out the LED.

3. To get the Seoul forward into the reflector for optimum focus you may need to drill the hole in the reflector wider so the whole emitter pops thru.

I haven't used or modded an Inova so maybe someone else knows better. These are just things I've encountered upgrading Luxeon lights to Seoul.
Thanks nein166, I got the mod done.

I used 0,5mm (~0,02") thick copper spacer under the emitter. Then drilled and filed the reflector to fit.

The lens is still foggy, so I wouldn't call this 100% succesfull. According to my highly scientific milk carton measurements the output changed from 30 to 55 lumens. :rolleyes:
I've never had to open up the reflector in any SSC mod I've done. The dome is the same size as the Luxes. To prevent shorting out, I've used kapton tape to insulate the conductive areas from one another. I also don't like losing the reflective probably doesn't account for much light loss, but still some, and I haven't had a need to do it.

How about some pics of the modded light? To clean the lens from the inside, try a cotton-tip swab with a bit of alcohol, but careful not to touch the reflector surface.
I can't tell if the bezel would have screwed out....:sigh: Probably not, the thread like grooves seem to be parallel to the end of the light body.

Actually I didn't drill through the reflector hole, I just made more room for the emitter in the back. Here is a picture:

Filing away the material filled the reflector with metal particles, but I got them out with compressed air without damage.

And here is the board with the USXOH emitter:


I don't have a picture of the finished light, but I'll take one after I get the lens cleaned. I didn't press the bezel all the way in to the body yet, so I think I can get it out and can try to finish things properly.
Whoa. I just picked one of these up today for modding. Please tell me thats' not water that frozen to the back of the light engine. I'm still scratching my head over this...
Whoa. I just picked one of these up today for modding. Please tell me thats' not water that frozen to the back of the light engine. I'm still scratching my head over this...

Yes, water... You fill it up with water, put in a freezer and it will force the bezel off when expanding. I'm not completely sure of it's safety, but I managed to do this. The bezel is tight in this one, I had to do the freeze thing 3 times. I have also read failure reports. Search for "freeze pop" for better explanation of the method.

Remember to isolate the emitter from the heatsink when doing this mod. I'm not sure if it is needed because of this "batteries go wrong way inovas" thing, but it can't hurt. I used nailpolish on the copper shim for isolation.

edit2: Not sure about the bezel, could someone try to unscrew one?
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Oh man, I don't think I'm brave enough to fill up this brand new light with water. With my luck, the water will get into the driver board and ruin it. I'm thinking heat might do the trick, then tap it out with a hollow dowel or metal tube from the inside. If I can't do it that way, this thing may just have to stay stock....
As far as the lens goes, it doesn't pop out? I'm suprised there isn't a UCL from flashlight that fits in there...
The lens is glued to the reflector/heatsink.

I think that the bezel might be screwed in and then glued on. I Don't know how to open it correctly without destroying the threads. Maybe I'll try to figure it out with my other one...

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