Inova ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2009
hi, im still reading and learning, ive been looking at Inova, they look well made and very smart but there ratings seem low ? are they like surefire in this respect and underate everything ? does anybody have any guesstimates or beam shots for me ? i like the look of the XO
thanks A
Hi, their output numbers are pretty spot on...2008 T1 is 100 lumens etc... other lights have not been updated yet with new (as of 2008 new anyway) leds...I believe the XO series still has the few year old lux iii led in it...hence the lower output #'s. Their T series lights have the newer leds...just make sure you are buying 2008 models...not older ones with dimmer leds
No, they're just low.

Inova's been "stuck" using lower performing (in terms of brightness and efficiency) LEDs for the past couple years. Only recently are they producing lights which can compete.

They make some good lights, and they still make some not so good lights. A lot of it depends on individual opinion.

One thing I've found consistent with Inova's lights is the excellent build quality. (Except for the Microlight). They're as tough as any lights I've handled, especially the X5 which is truly built like a tank, even if it's technically obsolete.
Here is a review I did on the most recent T1 from Inova. The first light I ever owned after joining this website in 2005 was an Inova X03 with TIROS optical system. It wasn't the brightest light but it was definitely built like a tank. The T-series lights are incredibely durable and very well built. The quality is top-notch on the greater majority of their lights. I recommend everybody own at least one Inova light just in case since they will always come through. In terms of longevity they are on par with Surefire, but surefire makes a lot more lights than Inova.

Check it:
They may not be as bright as some other brand lights but they are tough as nails and will last you forever. The X5 is what first got me into EDC a flashlight. Look into the "T" series.
Totally agree. Not too bright (depends if you need brightness) but the built is not virtually indestructible, it IS indestructible.
I just got a T1 and I LOVE IT! The beam is FLAWLESS!! Wish I could say the same for my CREE X-RE lights.. =(

HUGE spill, decent throw, great run time but slightly purple tint (which is kinda cool but I expected it to be warm!). Not the brightest but definately a TANK!

Weights more that my Eagletac T10LC2!! And feels SUPER SOLID! The T10LC2 and my Fenix LD10 feels soft and mushy beside it!

T series is greatly recommended and it does have a very current (K2 TFFC) LED in it too!

So... My friend is thinking of getting a flaslight and I narrowed it down to:
Fenix E20
Eagletac P100A2
Inova Bolt (BLT-2A)

All 2xAA lights

What do you al think? How much dimmer is the Bolt? What LED does it use? Tint? Throw? Spill? Run-time (real, not claimed)?

E20 is cheapest (~125), Bolt almost as cheap(~130) and P100A2(~150) is quite a bit more exp.

thanks for the reasurance guys, im still in M*G land and looking to start getting 'real' lights lol, theres an amazing amount of companies out there i just want to make sure what i buy will be around for a while and be usefull.
my first purchase in may will be the nitecore extreme, then i will want a nice 2x123 light - inova caught my eye
im sure once i have these two i will be on the way down that path - no money no money no money no money LOTS OF LIGHT :)
T series:
nice feel, nice workmanship, nice finish, very good price!
Have a more bad feeling about the K2s but one reads cheers in here, so no pro/con point to them.
Weird battery choice (dunno if CR123a's are allowed), weird inserting (possibly lending to reverse voltage one day)

only real "critic": single stage output - led is the lighting source best working with multiple output.
Also enlarges the range of "tasks" a light can handle.

PS: imho the light to get 1st hand is a jetbeam 18650 Jet III (or something similar).
T series:
nice feel, nice workmanship, nice finish, very good price!
Have a more bad feeling about the K2s but one reads cheers in here, so no pro/con point to them.
Weird battery choice (dunno if CR123a's are allowed), weird inserting (possibly lending to reverse voltage one day)

only real "critic": single stage output - led is the lighting source best working with multiple output.
Also enlarges the range of "tasks" a light can handle.

PS: imho the light to get 1st hand is a jetbeam 18650 Jet III (or something similar).

K2 TFFC is an awesome LED. Not as bright as a high binned CREE but still =D Perfect beam with a SMOOTH reflector! I'm sold!

So... anyone wanna answer my question above?
So... anyone wanna answer my question above?

P100A2 would be my initial feeling. Where are you that makes it so much more expensive? It's one of the better bargains for us in the USA.
The Inova bolts don't have nice LEDs. The E20 isn't a bad light either, not much I can say though as I've only handled one once.
IMHO build quality is not as good as Surefire's but it is one of the best manufacturers out there. Not very fancy, and not very bleeding edge, but well-built and good performers.
I have a Bolt 2aa and a X5 and I like the both of them. They arent the brightest but they work whenever I need them. Build quality is tops and runtime on the X% is awsome. The 2008 T-series seems to get raving reviews.
Think Inova, think Maglite. Cheap and chearful. They'll do the job, just like you can paint a wall with any tin of paint. But if you want quality or performance or value for money, you want to look elsewhere. Inova don't produce anything of quality or value, and only a few lights that have acceptable performance. They do not lead the field in any endeavor, and only stand out by virtue of the fact that they manage to mass produce and flood the market with cheap crap.
Inova don't produce anything of quality or value, and only a few lights that have acceptable performance. They do not lead the field in any endeavor, and only stand out by virtue of the fact that they manage to mass produce and flood the market with cheap crap.
This statement is bordering on libel. I hope Inova doesn't send their expensive lawyers after you.
Huh. I think Inova is one of the few manufacturers that could knock Surefire off the top if they put more money into R&D. As I said, quality really is nearly as good, but aesthetics are poor compared to Surefire.

They are unfortunately stuck in a contract with Luxeon LEDs which are no longer the bee's knees although quite acceptable.
Think Inova, think Maglite. Cheap and chearful. They'll do the job, just like you can paint a wall with any tin of paint. But if you want quality or performance or value for money, you want to look elsewhere. Inova don't produce anything of quality or value, and only a few lights that have acceptable performance. They do not lead the field in any endeavor, and only stand out by virtue of the fact that they manage to mass produce and flood the market with cheap crap.

Inova cheap ? not here in England ~ £65 for T1

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