Introducing -- ProFlood with Tritium


Mar 29, 2002
Gloucester, New Jersey
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of the new Proton Pro. It's a great light in its current form, however just like "My Tricked-Out Proton" mod of the 1st generation Proton, I couldn't leave well enough alone. I love tritium vials in my lights. It allows for easier location of them in the dark, plus it adds some character to the light. I was unable to locate the very tiny vials that I was able to fit into the 1st gen Proton and I'm no good with milling slots, etc. In addition, specific to the Proton Pro, I wanted to produce a more room-filling flood beam.

By simply removing the reflector and adding some trits, I've accomplished just that. The flood produced by removing the reflector is awesome. The trits, glued to the base, make it easy to locate in the dark. These beam shots and other pictures don't' do the ProFlood justice, but it will give you an idea that there's no longer a hot-spot.








If possible, I would move the Cree closer to the lens, or cover the sides of the tube with white paint or the like, more light will come out this way. But that's just my opinion.

Great mod either way.
have you done a bounce test? It looks like you are loosing a lot of light. Pics make it look like the spill is the same brightness but the spot has been subtracted.
have you done a bounce test? It looks like you are loosing a lot of light. Pics make it look like the spill is the same brightness but the spot has been subtracted.

The light in the hotspot comes from the reflector, the spill mostly from direct emitter radiation. So the reflector light has been subtracted, and the spill remains.

I wonder just how much light is in the hotspot. The spill covers such a large area there is a lot of flux there. The hotspot is what fraction of the total flux?

Nice flood pattern, too.

-- Alan
Although it may appear to be losing light, it is not. What I could do/should do is whiten up the surface to something lighter than black to produce more reflective properties.
The mule has the LED right up next to the lens so it has a very wide beam angle ~100+ degrees, the ProFlood is still recessed so beam angle will still be around 70 deg.
The mule has the LED right up next to the lens so it has a very wide beam angle ~100+ degrees, the ProFlood is still recessed so beam angle will still be around 70 deg.

... and this is exactly why I never attempted to call this a "mule" or mention anything to do with a "mule". I already knew, case in point in the above, that as soon as someone mentioned a "mule" there'd be an unfair comparision. I guess I was right. :thinking:
Where do you get tritium tubes in the US? My understanding is that they are illegal due to the radioactive chemicals within.
... and this is exactly why I never attempted to call this a "mule" or mention anything to do with a "mule". I already knew, case in point in the above, that as soon as someone mentioned a "mule" there'd be an unfair comparision. I guess I was right. :thinking:

Still a neat mod. I wonder if you could add silver or white paint inside to minimize light loss?