Invisible Tank !!!

Very cool, when they have a version for the individual soldier we really will have an invisible man...
It's cool technology, but of limited usefulness - a moving tank would need a complex cooling system and supply of liquid nitrogen if it wasn't to stand out on IR. Good for ambushes though!
Maybe done with mirrors?but in any situation amazing.Just how does it work,nice find BTW.
Small cameras strategically placed around the tank and the opposite image (from reverse side) is projected onto tank...the "New Camouflage" if you will... Even if it showed up in still would play tricks with your mind....something is there....or is it? Great technology for the Ground Troops....if it is going to change the way we fight wars...seems like life imitating video games...
Wow illum, thats unreal. What that video on the japanese website showed was way past what the tank guys are going for.
optical illusions can only work if the viewer is observing from a certain angle...such technology would be useless in wars because you can't expect the enemy to be in their designated area for your trick to werk

the tank's concept is kool though I'm skeptical of how well the "projector system" may actually perform in say Iraq. where sand clogging the air filters of tanks only the least of worries, how do you manage to set up a projector [if I'm reading this right] of a convoy thats moving?

if the tanks stationary, this might actually be worthwhile...:grin2:

come to thinkof it... :bumpit: this thread might not be such a bad idea :whistle:
Invisibility Cloaking Technology Devised
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Sounds like a cool gadget than something useful. Imagine how many cameras are needed if need to project images 360°, and how much bulk/power draw that would add.
I hope if this becomes official projector lamp prices might actually drop...thats more hotwire options for the rest of us
What I found interesting was MoD's "Q" - Professor Sir John Pendry, of Imperial College London:
"He said the only drawback was the reliability of the cameras and projectors. The next stage is to make the tank invisible without them - which is intricate and complicated, but possible."

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