I got my Minimus a few weeks ago and have been using it quite a bit, just around the house and doing night walks around my neighborhood. I like the UI, the low weight, and for some things, the floody beam. It is very comfortable except for the stitching and rough end of the webbing on the left side of the headband; this is actually a little irritating.
I lived off the grid year round in Alaska for many years, and still do so in the summer, but a headlamp isn't really needed May-July, as it doesn't really get dark. My point is that I often wear a headlamp for many hours a day, just so I can click on a little light when I want, and not have to use a fixture light. I do the same thing in my grid-connected house in NM, just because it's what I'm used to and it works. Easier to put leather on the bottom of your feet than trying to cover the world with it...
Walking around outside, I wish the light had more throw, as I can't see animals as far as I'd like. Just last night when I went outside a couple of animals ran off (I think they were javelina), and with the Minimus I wasn't sure what they were, while with my PT EOS or Petzl XP it wouldn't have been a problem. Of course the Zebralights have even less throw.
All in all, I like my Minimus, but don't feel it's worth the considerable extra money over the EOS or XP.