ummm, I am not sure what "best" means. However, my EDC is a P1D-CE-Q5 and I have to use a "3v" RCR123 cell to have all 3 levels of light available. If I use a "3.7v" RCR123 cell, then I lose the 3 levels, but the output is admittedly brighter.
As for whose RCR123 cells, there are many sources: AW, BatteryStation, etc. There are also Li-Ion and Li-PO4 cells to choose from. FWIW, I have purchased RCR123 cells from several websites, but so far I have been the most satisfied with the Powerizer cells from:
because they have fit into everything I have tried. As I recall, the Powerizer cells were tested by Silverfox as well. I thought that the Powerizer Li-Fe-PO4 cells were too low of capacity to be useful for me, but that appears to be the reported problem with most Li-Fe-PO4 cells - lower capacity than Li-Ion cells. The Li-Fe-PO4 use a safer chemistry though. YMMV!