Well, for myself, I use all of my lights for stretches of 10 to 12 hours. I wear my lights on wrist and headlamp. I also outfit 3 to 6 guys per job. No swapping allowed. The buck Puck 700 ma, allows over 9 hours. With an xpl v6 4000k I get 374 lumens and over 5800 lux on a 31mm smo. We have dimmer, dimmed slightly below perceptible dimming, can get closer to 12 hours. 2p18650 Panasonic....
Obviously, I pay more, make my own lights to avoid inefficient drivers, insane drive levels. 4000lux at 1 meter is minimal lux necessary for bouncing 3 to 12 meters inspection, with 6 being average.
My question is how, at zero to a useful 700 ma, does the SBT90.2 perform lpw and lux per watt in a 36 mm, 31mm smo.
Unfortunately, the xml and xpl suck in a 26 mm if drive level is limited to 350 ma due to a single 18650. However, the xpl hi does get the needed 4000 lux a 1 meter at 350 ma.
I have not invested time or money since 2016, because of stagnation. So, am interested in this sb90. 2 if it can get the 202 lpw at 350 ma and 187 at 2W cpu heatsink and vented bezel, al reflector, copper tube pivot heatsinking. Ability to focus and have respectable throw (4k candela at 1w), at 1 and 2 watts.
I think the op is complaining that manufacturers have ignored efficiency at 10h or longer use times, in favor of the Wow factor... A light needs to be designed for full 10 to 12 hours at max brightness, and longer camping runtime. A second driver should be used for higher currents, with 4 to 5 hr and 2 to 2.5 hour targets. Anything shorter needs to be saved for police search lights, or a third driver.