I was looking for lithium batteries online and I found lots of energizer ultimate lithium aaa on ebay really cheap. advertised as new in package from "reputable" sellers. Cheap as in $1 - $1.50 a battery.
I couldn't find any info online about any kind of recall or defective batch, so are there just lots of people selling them cheap or what? Anybody heard anything? I know someone will say your taking a chance with people lying on ebay, but now a days, ebay and paypal protect buyers a lot more. Plus, I doubt people with hundreds and thousands of feedback are selling bogus batteries. Anyways, just wondering if anybody has noticed this. I guess I'll know tomorrow if they are all gone. :mecry:
I couldn't find any info online about any kind of recall or defective batch, so are there just lots of people selling them cheap or what? Anybody heard anything? I know someone will say your taking a chance with people lying on ebay, but now a days, ebay and paypal protect buyers a lot more. Plus, I doubt people with hundreds and thousands of feedback are selling bogus batteries. Anyways, just wondering if anybody has noticed this. I guess I'll know tomorrow if they are all gone. :mecry: