I doubt it
Mostly I just had to share with everyone that I just received an M6. I blame the generous CPFer who bought me a 6P a few weeks ago, if I had never drank the SureFire Koolaid I'm sure my wallet would be a lot thicker right now!! haha...
I picked up a brand new one from Generic808 over on BST@marketplace (Thanks!). For that price it was hard to refuse, and after thinking about it, It only makes since that I own the flashlight I am making battery adapters for- of which a lot more sold than anticipated very quickly... This gives me a platform to work on more projects from. I already have an idea for some other possible adapters, so I can technically write off the M6 as a business expense which made it a little easier to justify, add to that my wonderful wife actually wanted me to buy it for myself, provided she gets to play with it once and awhile!
On top of that, Emoli cells arrived at the same time today! (Thank You LuxLuthor!)
I'm running the MN21 on the Emoli cells, not with a full charge though, I've also got an order in with digikey for an assortment of NTCs to try out.. My feeling being that the MN21 is going to be really taking a beating on these cells. Even in daylight I can visually see it's running a lot whiter and brighter than it does on the stock CR123 pack.
Today feels like christmas morning when I was 5 years old!
Any thoughts on those NTCs? I ordered a bunch of them, ranging from ~6A-10A rated, with everything from ~1-2 ohm initial, up to around 10-20 ohm initial. The running resistance on em is ~0.1-0.3ohm. I was thinking about trying the higher resistance versions first and see how that works, My concern being that the lamp may start-up too slowly, not sure though, it'll be an interesting experiment! They should be in before the end of the week.
One question for M6 users... Are the tail-cap threads normally kind of noisy? I lubricated them slightly more than they came and that helped, but they are definitely noisier than most of my flashlights, they do run smooth and true, just with more noise. They seem to be getting quieter as I play with it.
I'll probably share some more initial thoughts on the light later tonight, I'm very anxiously waiting for darkness, it just can't come soon enough tonight!
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Could I ask for a better day?!??!?? We got some FOG tonight!
Here's some beam shots:
for comparisons sake, a "290" lumen R2 drop-in in my 6P
A ROP high on eneloops
The M6 MN21 on Emoli
Mostly I just had to share with everyone that I just received an M6. I blame the generous CPFer who bought me a 6P a few weeks ago, if I had never drank the SureFire Koolaid I'm sure my wallet would be a lot thicker right now!! haha...
I picked up a brand new one from Generic808 over on BST@marketplace (Thanks!). For that price it was hard to refuse, and after thinking about it, It only makes since that I own the flashlight I am making battery adapters for- of which a lot more sold than anticipated very quickly... This gives me a platform to work on more projects from. I already have an idea for some other possible adapters, so I can technically write off the M6 as a business expense which made it a little easier to justify, add to that my wonderful wife actually wanted me to buy it for myself, provided she gets to play with it once and awhile!
On top of that, Emoli cells arrived at the same time today! (Thank You LuxLuthor!)
I'm running the MN21 on the Emoli cells, not with a full charge though, I've also got an order in with digikey for an assortment of NTCs to try out.. My feeling being that the MN21 is going to be really taking a beating on these cells. Even in daylight I can visually see it's running a lot whiter and brighter than it does on the stock CR123 pack.
Today feels like christmas morning when I was 5 years old!
Any thoughts on those NTCs? I ordered a bunch of them, ranging from ~6A-10A rated, with everything from ~1-2 ohm initial, up to around 10-20 ohm initial. The running resistance on em is ~0.1-0.3ohm. I was thinking about trying the higher resistance versions first and see how that works, My concern being that the lamp may start-up too slowly, not sure though, it'll be an interesting experiment! They should be in before the end of the week.
One question for M6 users... Are the tail-cap threads normally kind of noisy? I lubricated them slightly more than they came and that helped, but they are definitely noisier than most of my flashlights, they do run smooth and true, just with more noise. They seem to be getting quieter as I play with it.
I'll probably share some more initial thoughts on the light later tonight, I'm very anxiously waiting for darkness, it just can't come soon enough tonight!
[edit in]
Could I ask for a better day?!??!?? We got some FOG tonight!
Here's some beam shots:
for comparisons sake, a "290" lumen R2 drop-in in my 6P
A ROP high on eneloops
The M6 MN21 on Emoli
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