W White_Shadow Newly Enlightened Joined Mar 25, 2008 Messages 87 Location north carolina Mar 26, 2008 #1 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015UPNJC/?tag=cpf0b6-20
W Wicho Enlightened Joined Jan 6, 2005 Messages 255 Location Out of my Mind Mar 26, 2008 #2 No. FYI, the thread will probably get moved by a mod.
precisionworks Flashaholic Joined Apr 19, 2007 Messages 6,623 Location Benton Illinois Mar 26, 2008 #3 When I bought my Eneloops six months ago, Amazon was the lowest price I could find ... but that was before CPF:mecry:
When I bought my Eneloops six months ago, Amazon was the lowest price I could find ... but that was before CPF:mecry:
F FrogsInWinter Enlightened Joined Feb 27, 2006 Messages 370 Location NYC Mar 27, 2008 #4 This is probably a better deal for Sanyo Eneloops: http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?t=176646
This is probably a better deal for Sanyo Eneloops: http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/showthread.php?t=176646
AFAustin Flashlight Enthusiast Joined Oct 10, 2004 Messages 1,801 Location outside of Austin, TX Mar 27, 2008 #5 I've had good luck on some AA eneloops at Amazon, but I chose some "opened" cells. Do a search for eneloops on Amazon, and then look at the "used" cells. The ones I bought were new, but the open box qualified tham as "used", IIRC. For AAA eneloops, I had the best luck at batterybob.com. Looks like he has a decent deal on AAs as well: http://www.batterybob.com/searchresults.asp
I've had good luck on some AA eneloops at Amazon, but I chose some "opened" cells. Do a search for eneloops on Amazon, and then look at the "used" cells. The ones I bought were new, but the open box qualified tham as "used", IIRC. For AAA eneloops, I had the best luck at batterybob.com. Looks like he has a decent deal on AAs as well: http://www.batterybob.com/searchresults.asp