is it bad to charge the battery when it's half way full, although NiMH doesn't have "memory effect". it's better when it's more discharge?
and also is it bad to put NiMH in clock cause clock uses very few battery and cause polarlity reverse when the battery runs out at the end and kill the battery?
nimhy is totally ok with being short cycled, being used a bit then re-topped off.
every once in a while it would also like to be mostly discharged AS LONG AS you did not reverse charge it.
because you cant control depth of discharge in a device, any purposfull deep discharge is best done on a charger thing, or controlled way, not in series with a bunch of other cells.
nimhy isn't put into clocks and backups and thermostats usually because it self discharges faster than the low consuming device uses it. and the nimhy likes being used (just not abused). LSD ni-mhys might change that, depending on how they self discharge with tiny loads.
if the device uses a SINGLE ni-mhy battery then the slow device could completly deplete the cell to 0, i do not know the damage done then, but if its recharged immediatally it shouldnt have to much trouble with it. luckily most stuff will stop working before 0.
if the device has multiple series cells, then it could possibly get a reverse charge when one cell goes to 0.
many devices would quit operating before that time. stuff like incadescents will go allll the way without stopping.
in low draw items a reverse charge might not be as severe as in a higher drawing item. the quantity of reverse charge and rate of it counts.
i should point out that when i put ni-mhys into things that VERY slowly depleate them, like thermostats and clocks, they did not work very well at all, they didnt like something about it. it was hard to tell because so much time passed, but after a few years of being in the very slow stuff, the capacity was poor. they made few cycles over much time.