Is this possible - PentagonLight anglehead molle conversion


Dec 3, 2005
Dayton, Ohio
After going to annual training for two weeks with the Ohio Army National Guard in the backwoods of Michigan, I am really looking into that PentagonLight Angledhead Molle led torch. The only thing is that I wish it had both the blue and red, and that it had a Cree with two or three outputs.

Question 1.

Can the blue and red filters fit into each other? Will they attach to each other on the bottom?

Question 2.

Can someone on here pop in a Cree and add a two or three-output modes and regulation, etc... like a Fenix?

Forgive me if this has already been asked, but I really like the concept, I just wish Fenix would make it, or some other brand that would take the thought more serious.

My .02,

P.S. Those of you who already have this light, do you like it, and is it comparable to a Fenix in any way? What's the build like and how bright is it?
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I've got one. The filter is threaded and screws into the bottom to keep it. You wouldn't be able to stack/carry two of them.

They claim 40 lumens (IIRC) but it's really more like 30 if I compare it to my HDS and a few others. Having said that, it's really pretty bright for a single AA. It also has a very nice beam. Very good side spill with a smooth transition to hotspot. I've got it stuck in the molle webbing of a Kifaru E and E bag. I really like it for what it is.

I would love for it to have 2 levels. What it has right now is good for high, but if it had a low of 3 or 4 lumens, then the filters wouldn't be necessary and it would be perfect for the late night "seeing a man about a dog" trips. It's also a true forward clickie, so you get momentary by not pushing to the click. That's the way I use it most.

It's robustly made and the clip is one of the best I've seen on a light. My biggest complaint would have to be the kinda cheesy compass. You have to remove the clip for it to work. Would much rather have a smaller tailcap without the compass.

I've messed around with it, and for the life of me can't figure out how to get to the led. I think you would have to sacrifice one, probably break it, to figure out how to get it open for modding.

Check, for awhile they had probably the best deal on them.

Thanks, as that's about all I needed to know. Other than that, I hope they continue to expand on the idea and include more filters and a Cree with multiple outputs... like a 3/40/100/strobe would be great!
Streamlight is coming out with a new ligh next month called the Sidewinder. It is a 2 XAA with an adjustable angle head with 1/2 Watt 20 lumen white, and variable power Red/Blue/Green & IR with strobe function. MOLLE & Milspec 512.4. Check out Brightguy for info.

I am waiting to see some reviews on this. It looks good so far.

Thanks a lot! Now there's a fellow member who "helps a brother out." I appreciate it to the utmost. Let me know any updates you get on this. I'll check out Brightguy.

What about any others... any word?

Also, could this light be modified to fit a Cree?
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