Is this the best I can do in my E2E?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
I have the above light and a LF EO-E2R lamp run by 2x AW RCR123 cells. Is this the brightest combination available or is there something significantly brighter?.....either incan or led. Don't want to spend my money on something that is only very slightly brighter...:)

also, anyone know the run time of the above combination?...thanks.
Get a Surefire KL4 head. Replace the stock E2e head with the KL4 head. And now you have a Surefire L4 that puts out an actual 100 lumens of light. :D
This will smoke the LF in terms of output and throw IMHO

The TL-3 combo from Fivemega, I run this combo with my E2d and it's my preferred combo over the LF bulb.

Nice throw and nice sidespill all in one package,
The only caveat i've found so far is that my AW Cells shut down after 15 mins continous use due to overheating :D

PS. The LF website quotes the runtime of that combo of yours at approx 45 mins.
Get a Surefire KL4 head. Replace the stock E2e head with the KL4 head. And now you have a Surefire L4 that puts out an actual 100 lumens of light. :D

I am only after lamps that can run on either the 17670 cell or 2x RCR123 cells, I presume that the KL4 only runs of 2x CR123 cells.
This will smoke the LF in terms of output and throw IMHO

The TL-3 combo from Fivemega, I run this combo with my E2d and it's my preferred combo over the LF bulb.

Nice throw and nice sidespill all in one package,
The only caveat i've found so far is that my AW Cells shut down after 15 mins continous use due to overheating :D

PS. The LF website quotes the runtime of that combo of yours at approx 45 mins.

I had a TL-3, but was not really impressed with the output of it compared to my SureFire C3 with a LF HO-9 bulb. And I remember it being really orange, like the Strion. I know the Strion bulb is much dimmer than the EO-E2R from personal experience. The EO-E1R was just a hair brighter and quite a bit whiter.

What kind of current draw to you get from the TL-3 bulb from two R123's?
KL4 is not good for two LiIon cells.


The KL4 works very good with two Li-ion cells, they are 3 Volts each.
That is what Surefire intended it to do!
But it should not be used with two rechargeable 3.7 Volts Li-ion cells!
The KL4 works very good with two Li-ion cells, they are 3 Volts each.
That is what Surefire intended it to do!
But it should not be used with two rechargeable 3.7 Volts Li-ion cells!

Most of the old Surefire LED heads are okay 3V-9V.

They've changed that with the new ones though, which is why I won't be buying any.
I'm wondering the same thing almost. I was thinking about modding my gf's E2D to get a little more power out of it and I assumed the EO-E2R would be the best for it... but is the Strion bulb more powerful?
I have a Strion. The light is bright and white. To me, it's almost, not quite but almost, as bright as any of my Surefire's with P61's. You would be hard pressed to tell too much difference in brightness, no difference in color, both very white. That might give you some reference?
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The KL4 works very good with two Li-ion cells, they are 3 Volts each.
That is what Surefire intended it to do!
But it should not be used with two rechargeable 3.7 Volts Li-ion cells!

3V CR123 primary batteries are not Li-Ion. 3.7V Li-ion rechargable batteries are different animals.

Most of the old Surefire LED heads are okay 3V-9V.
The old versions (v1-3 maybe v4) KL1s (Lux I/III) were 3V-9V but IIRC the KL4 (LuxV) was never rated to take 9V.

I knew there was one Surefire LED head that could not take 9V, but couldn't remember which one. Thanks for the extra info!
I'm wondering the same thing almost. I was thinking about modding my gf's E2D to get a little more power out of it and I assumed the EO-E2R would be the best for it... but is the Strion bulb more powerful?

No, not at all. The EO-E2R is much brighter than the Strion bulb.
I have a Strion. The light is bright and white. To me, it's almost, not quite but almost, as bright as any of my Surefire's with P61's. You would be hard pressed too tell much difference in brightness, no difference in color, both very white. That might give you some reference?

The output of the P61 turns orange very quickly and looks like the Strion bulb before long. The 2.5+ amps being pulled off of the two little 123 cells makes their voltage sag very quickly.
The output of the P61 turns orange very quickly and looks like the Strion bulb before long.

Since my Strion and P61 are the same in whitness, with new brand new 123's in the P61, I'm not sure what you're saying?

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