Is this the right way to convert a SOB 1500 to a SOB 1000?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
Hi all!

I have 2 SOB 1500 boards and want to get 2 amps, and I was wondering if I remove the .10 resistor and leave the .05 I would end up with 1 amp current. Am I right?


Here is a picture of the board

This is what I think I need to remove to get 1 amp current Circled in red

Can someone please confirm this?

Your are correct. Removing the .10 sense resistors will give you 1A from each board.

Is there SOB1500 availabe...?
I`ve never seen any....:duh2:

Is there SOB1500 availabe...?
I`ve never seen any....:duh2:

They are custom jobbies
If you look over at the Shoppe, look for "blank board"
that will give you the option of choosing what two resistors
go on the board.
By combining different values of resistors, you get different currents :thumbsup:
I`ve tried some time ago actually but it will not let me that high or I crapped probably....

But now I see I need just the .5 and .10...
Any order?

I`m very sorry about the hijack here.....
Thanks for your help!

I was able to remove the .10 resistor using a hobby knife and gently cutting away at the solder on the sides until it came loose.

Those suckers are tiny! I had to use those fancy helping hands, a big magnifier and very steady eye hand coordination.

I did not even know you could get a 1500 sob that would have fit into a couple of projects of mine.
If you can change the sense resistor to get 1amp how come you could not have gone the other way and had 2amp on one board.
