I've found my perfect light


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2006
Toronto, Ontario. CAN.
I think I'm going to give up Flashaholism, because I've found/made my perfect light.

I've had my HDS EDC B42 since around October. It has all the features I want. It's multi-level, long running, bright(relatively) and well made. I just wished it was a >100lm light.

With the advent of the SSC P4 U-bin emitter I got my chance to make it a 100lm light which fulfils my last wish. I just installed it in to my HDS and boy am I happy. The tint on the emitter is nice and white and is consistent through out all 20 levels. I removed just enough from the reflector to give me the beam I wanted.

My light has the Ti bezel, Arc 4 style clip and in my eyes makes it perfect for now.

With that said, I probably won't be browsing or posting as much as I used to or at all. You all have been great teachers and I feel honored to have be in this brotherhood of flashoholics :rock: . I might return when HDS/Novatac releases new battery tubes or the next gen of LEDs that are Lux 3 compatible are released. :grin2:

In the spirit of discussion, anyone close to how I feel?
Congrats To You!! I felt really satisfied when I purchased an SF L1 and has been with me most of the time.
Glad to hear that you now have your ideal light. But why leave CPF? Stick around and enjoy the party!
I'm not gone forever, just a break before I get burnt out. Plus that way I can enjoy my light more instead of craving for the latest and greatest.
Congrats on being satisfied, and finding the perfect light. You made some adjustments to it so that it would be perfect for you, and that's admirable!

For me there is no such thing, though some come close. They are all just the way I bought them. My needs have been met. Not sure when I'll start buying more. Latest and greatest is not a driving force anymore.
I have the Basic 42 XRGT and it could easily be my edc, but I like to rotate lights for some reason. I do think the HDS is perhaps the best regulated light I own, it could run for days it seems without having to charge the battery. I have the extension in mine and run a protected 17670.
Well, I've "slowed" down a tad bit in my purchases of lights, since there's a new interest—But what I may consider as being my perfect light has been the 3[M]ini.Mag.

The L1 was my perfect EDC light till I lost it. :(

Now this B42 XRGT i've got has replaced it, but I still miss the L1. :(
tebore said:
I think I'm going to give up Flashaholism, because I've found/made my perfect light.

I've had my HDS EDC B42 since around October. It has all the features I want. It's multi-level, long running, bright(relatively) and well made. I just wished it was a >100lm light.

With the advent of the SSC P4 U-bin emitter I got my chance to make it a 100lm light which fulfils my last wish. I just installed it in to my HDS and boy am I happy. The tint on the emitter is nice and white and is consistent through out all 20 levels. I removed just enough from the reflector to give me the beam I wanted.

My light has the Ti bezel, Arc 4 style clip and in my eyes makes it perfect for now.

With that said, I probably won't be browsing or posting as much as I used to or at all. You all have been great teachers and I feel honored to have be in this brotherhood of flashoholics :rock: . I might return when HDS/Novatac releases new battery tubes or the next gen of LEDs that are Lux 3 compatible are released. :grin2:

In the spirit of discussion, anyone close to how I feel?

Please hang on for a while: There too much going on !!
The led-world is very much in motion right now, you'll be sorry if you quit now !!
If you don't need more then 100lm, at least runtimes will improve in the future!


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Ra: Since you're the resident HID guy I'm also having fun playing with my Costco HID. I'm hoping HID's pick up as well, it's trailing a little behind LEDs in the field of Innovation. LiteMania has a new small HID coming, I figure for the sake of my wallet I better stop posting soon because my eyes catch sight of thing.

Plus where's your latest mod? You can't just leave us with the Maxablaster and not have a follow up, especially a man of your skill.

Oh there's nothing wrong with 200Lumens, someone wake me up when we get to 200lumens at 1 watt.
So far I mostly use the ~50lumen setting on my modded B42 anything brighter is too blinding in most rooms or it illuminates things beyond what I care to look at. But it sure is nice to see 100 lumens in a tight beam light up a house down the street.
Hi tebore,

As for upcomming mod's, you'll have to wait some more I'm afraid.. I've alot of other stuff on my mind lately. That doesn't mean I won't come up with some new exiting stuff in the future tho..

However, I think my next project will be more like a follow-up for my 10watt mini-HID monster: More towards practical, lightweight with decent runtime.

I hope you're not dissapointed if it doesn't throw better then Maxablaster..

The first thing that came to my mind reading your post was: "With Maxablaster I don't need a follow up !!!!"

Right now I'm designing a beautiful new flashlight around the new SSC P4 emitter, may take a few months tho.. As you propably know: I want everyting to be as perfect as it possibly can be !!

I hope I won't dissapoint you..

Take care,

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I also have slow down on my LED purchase in the last 2 months. I have invested my time to understand and build up my charger and batteries. Oh man, I am tired, but it is so interesting, and I can't let go.
tebore said:
I think I'm going to give up Flashaholism, because I've found/made my perfect light.

I've had my HDS EDC B42 since around October. It has all the features I want. It's multi-level, long running, bright(relatively) and well made. I just wished it was a >100lm light.

With the advent of the SSC P4 U-bin emitter I got my chance to make it a 100lm light which fulfils my last wish. I just installed it in to my HDS and boy am I happy. The tint on the emitter is nice and white and is consistent through out all 20 levels. I removed just enough from the reflector to give me the beam I wanted.

My light has the Ti bezel, Arc 4 style clip and in my eyes makes it perfect for now.

With that said, I probably won't be browsing or posting as much as I used to or at all. You all have been great teachers and I feel honored to have be in this brotherhood of flashoholics :rock: . I might return when HDS/Novatac releases new battery tubes or the next gen of LEDs that are Lux 3 compatible are released. :grin2:

In the spirit of discussion, anyone close to how I feel?

Shame on you! You tell us about your perfect customized light and yet you show us no pictures?!!! :rant:

hehe, please let me see this awesome light. I know I can look at stock versions but I'm sure we'd all like to see your personal/customized version. For me these are way better than going to a custom car/bike show because it's something I can also do to a reasonable extent.

Now, bring on the pics!
My customized light isn't a huge difference from the stock light the big difference is under the hood.

Pics will come this weekend I've just been busy with work and exams.
I can't even call it a mod it's so simple(well if you got the tools and some soldering skill) it would be wrong to the true modders out there.

Just a basic emitter swap. Not having digital calipers. I used a straight edge and colored 0.5mm around the base of the reflector and sanded till the black line was gone. Then I had to eye ball the last 0.2mm. I had 600grit(wet) on top of a sheet of glass to make sure I had a flat surface. I finished up with 1200grit which gave the lip a mirror finish. That last step wasn't the important but was a nice finish. I used a lot of dish soap to keep the aluminum particles suspended. The dish soap also prevents scratches on the reflector.
same road as me. B42 with a Q bin, modded to S bin and now Seoul U bin with SS bezel ring. perfect EDC and travel light. i can't even consider a lot of lights now because of this one.
tebore said:
I'm not gone forever, just a break before I get burnt out. Plus that way I can enjoy my light more instead of craving for the latest and greatest.

Definatley a wise decision. I've done pretty much the same things to my HDS as you have to yours, with the exception of the real science involved inside. I completely agree that the HDS is a great hobby light and can keep you busy with tinkering options for a while. I do EDC mine on occasion, but more importantly just like having it around as a symbol of my time spent on these forums and the information I've picked up along the way.

P.S. The final upgrade I need to do for my HDS is to find the newer styled knurled 1 x 123 battery carrier/clicky, and then I can stop........hopefully :whistle:
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I sold a bunch of lights after getting a Draco and haven't bought much since. It's pretty much perfect for what I need. I don't think I'll be buying many more anytime soon. Maybe a U120 if they are under $200.

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