Jet II IBS Pro Cree Q5 Vs Jet II IBS XP-G R4


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
I installed my second XP-G R4 I got from Nailbender after seeing the great results of the Romisen G2 I modded a bit earlier.

Stock Jet II Pro IBS with Cree Q5 smooth reflector on left Vs Modded Jet II IBS Cree R2 Orange peel reflector on the right, it is just a bit brighter, Both are at highest setting.


Now Stock Jet II Pro IBS Q5 smooth reflector on left vs. Jet II IBS XP-G R4 Orange peel reflector on the right, It has massive side spill while keeping about the same hot spot size, I love it! same camera settings.



I noticed that I used the orange peel reflector and not the smooth reflector on the modded Jet II IBS so I changed it.

Jet II Pro IBS Q5 smooth reflector on left vs. Jet II IBS XP-G R4 smooth reflector on right, same camera settings, both on highest level.

Now the hotspot is more defined!


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I have a few questions.... Can you link the exact XP-G that you used in the JetBeam, as in the board size and if you had to raise it up or is it the same height as the XR-E? Also, how did you remove the white disc around the LED in the JetBeam, mine is very solid even trying with a dental pic?

Thanks in advance
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I used an XP-G in a round board that Nailbender is selling here

I did not raise the board because the Jetbeam used is the one with adjustable focus, the focus point for the XP-G is lower than with the XR-E so I had to unscrew the head a tiny bit well in the normal focus adjustment of the light.

I removed the white disk in the Jetbeam by carefully drilling thru it first and then inserting a small metal screwdriver thru the hole and prying it out.


I have a few questions.... Can you link the exact XP-G that you used in the JetBeam, as in the board size and if you had to raise it up or is it the same height as the XP-E? Also, how did you remove the white disc around the LED in the JetBeam, mine is very solid even trying with a dental pic?

Thanks in advance
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Dave (nailbender) installed an XP-G R4 my Jet-II IBS a couple weeks ago -- it's AWESOME. By far my favorite light. I bought another one and sent it off to him yesterday. It uses the stock driver.

I just now discovered this thread.
The Jetbeam Raptor RRT-1 also makes a very pretty beam with a XP-G R5, I posted about it too!
