JETBeam JET-μ reviewed + runtime + video.


Jun 6, 2003
Enjoy :)

x2x3x2, is there any low battery warning for 10440s?

I see you have that in your review video but it is not mentioned anywhere...

The low batt pulse start when the cell voltage drops to about 0.9V
Practically speaking, u should not even allow your 10440 cells to drop to such a low voltage as it we damage the li-ion cell.

Typically for li-ions you do not want to let the voltage drop below 2.8V

Hope that helps.
It's not a matter of battery type weather Alkaline/NiMH/Li-Ion.
Simply put, the low batt pulse kicks in when the battery voltage drops to 0.9V.

It's possible to go ahead and run your 10440 cell down to 0.9V and let the low batt pulse kick in, but then you'd probably have destroyed your 10440 cell.

Thanks for the great review. I have been waiting for this light to come out for a while.

Thanks for changing your avatar, too! The new one is much better than the creepy skull. :D

Ouch! This light doesn't even come close to the L0D-CE yet it costs quite a bit more. I love the look of it but those runtime/output graphs are pretty bad for a Cree based light.
It's actually a seoul light.

Anyone else have any info? A bit disappointed by the output and runtimes.

Seems to match what was advertised by jetbeam. They seem to have stopped replying at the moment...

Actually, those runtimes aren't so bad. Don't have the link handy, but chevrofreak reported for the L0DCE around 1hr on Hi, 3hr on Med and 6hr on Low on a 900mAh NiMH. Given the lower the power storage on the eneloops, I'm not too surprised at x2x3x2's results. I'll do a comparison runtime on mine too when it comes in.

Great review by the way!
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LOL, i noticed they stopped replying too :p perhaps i was a little too unforgiving in my review?

Well true, the runtime is as advertised on the site. So we shouldn't knock it on that basis as they met their advertised spec.
It just doesn't look to good compared to the closest current light on the market, the L0D CE.

If you like the SureFire L4's beam, this light will make you happy with it's floodiness tho! :)
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Great review, this light to me is a step down from the L0D with lower runtime and not able to fully use lions. I'm glad i didn't jump on this light, now i'm still searching for a keychain light.
I do have one beef with the "does not work with 10440" statement, sorta.

It is permitted to use high for a minute at a time. The L0D CE is advertised to not even work with 10440. It has been proven to be okay with use, but Fenix does not recommend it.

The same thing is happening with Jetbeam, except they endorse use as long as you keep high a minute or so at a time. All other modes are fine (straight from Jetbeam themselves in writing in the Marketplace thread).

Most people only use the Fenix on 10440 on high a minute at a time anyways due to the same heat issues (most, like me. Others run for longer).

Overall, seems pretty similar to me. Just be careful, don't want the ssc to turn blue (like the Amilites).

Thanks for the review. :thumbsup:

The looks made me instantly want one, but your
assessment of the output and runtime compared to the LOD-CE
made me think again.

Wish they could have a light with the Jet's looks and the LOD's
I understand this issue regarding the use of 10440.

This was the reply by JETBeam when I first asked about 10440 use as in post #91 in the Manufacturers Forum:

Question #1ou stated in your first post in this thread that the light will be direct driven when input voltage is more than 3V. Does that mean that with a 10440 there will be no low or medium mode?
If this is so, how did you get these number running 10440?
Answer #1: That's something wrong in my post,sorry for confusion. I means directdirve will happen when input input voltage is more than 3.7V....and the pwm circuit( input→driver circuit→pwm circuit→output ) can work normally whether driver-circuit directdrive or not. So the output stage can be change when use 10440 li-ion. first post had been edited

Question #2: If we are not supposed to run the light more than 1 minute at a time on 10440 cells, how did you manage get the 25 min runtime on high with 10440? Was that just estimated?
Aswer #2: Yes, the runtime values are estimated by current.

In post #155 JETBeam stated:
"Yes~ If your using 10440 run on high mode over 1 min, the temperature will rise to about 50℃..."

So does this mean it's ok to use 10440 for over a minute? Up to you to intepret that statement. But as gunga points out, the L0D CE wasn't meant to be used with 10440 yet people have been using it just fine.
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