I understand this issue regarding the use of 10440.
This was the reply by JETBeam when I first asked about 10440 use as in post #91 in the Manufacturers Forum:
Question #1ou stated in your first post in this thread that the light will be direct driven when input voltage is more than 3V. Does that mean that with a 10440 there will be no low or medium mode?
If this is so, how did you get these number running 10440?
Answer #1: That's something wrong in my post,sorry for confusion. I means directdirve will happen when input input voltage is more than 3.7V....and the pwm circuit( input→driver circuit→pwm circuit→output ) can work normally whether driver-circuit directdrive or not. So the output stage can be change when use 10440 li-ion. first post had been edited
Question #2: If we are not supposed to run the light more than 1 minute at a time on 10440 cells, how did you manage get the 25 min runtime on high with 10440? Was that just estimated?
Aswer #2: Yes, the runtime values are estimated by current.
In post #155 JETBeam stated:
"Yes~ If your using 10440 run on high mode over 1 min, the temperature will rise to about 50℃..."
So does this mean it's ok to use 10440 for over a minute? Up to you to intepret that statement. But as gunga points out, the L0D CE wasn't meant to be used with 10440 yet people have been using it just fine.