Jetbeam: M1X or pre-order the M2S????


Newly Enlightened
Jan 27, 2010
Subject says it all.

Been lurking a couple of weeks and want a light to stop cars in their tracks when they try to run me over while walking the dog, plus I live in the wide-open Southwest.

BOTH lights will fit your requirements. The M2S has a 3min "turbo" mode that allows about 1.5x the brightness of the M1X. After 3mins, the M2S will be about as bright as an M1X, so you have to ask yourself if paying the $50 extra for 3mins of turbo mode is worth it.

I'll get the M2S just for the sake of the Luminous SST-50 LED.

If you really want to BLIND motorists, you can get this. With a SST-90, its High mode:2200lumens, its Low mode:700lumens.
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newer is probably better. Its funny how Jetbeam releases the M2S and still keeps the M1X in production. The M2S will probably own the M1X, not like the donut hole is irresistible or anything.

But maybe the M1X throws slightly further? have to wait for a review to confirm.
Subject says it all.

Been lurking a couple of weeks and want a light to stop cars in their tracks when they try to run me over while walking the dog, plus I live in the wide-open Southwest.


Well, realistically speaking, boring into the cranium of a driver with a 2200 lumen seachlight may actually make it more dangerous, as they won't be able to see much else due to the glare, and may not instinctually slow down or stop, but rather drive blindly until they pass the light. This may cause them to actually hit you.

Hi-Viz clothing, and reflective strips/panels, along with a couple lights that you wear on your body that strobe (think a flashing bicycle tail-light)

Still, I'd rock the SR90 just in case you need to incapacitate some dbag.
Well, realistically speaking, boring into the cranium of a driver with a 2200 lumen seachlight may actually make it more dangerous, as they won't be able to see much else due to the glare, and may not instinctually slow down or stop, but rather drive blindly until they pass the light. This may cause them to actually hit you.

Hi-Viz clothing, and reflective strips/panels, along with a couple lights that you wear on your body that strobe (think a flashing bicycle tail-light)

Still, I'd rock the SR90 just in case you need to incapacitate some dbag.

I understand the sentiment about wearing hi-viz gear and such, but I would rather remain as stealthy as I can than be a big, bright flashing target, screaming, "Hold me up at gun-point!" (I am prepared to deal with that scenario, but want to avoid it.)

BOTH lights will fit your requirements. The M2S has a 3min "turbo" mode that allows about 1.5x the brightness of the M1X. After 3mins, the M2S will be about as bright as an M1X, so you have to ask yourself if paying the $50 extra for 3mins of turbo mode is worth it.

I'll get the M2S just for the sake of the Luminous SST-50 LED.

If you really want to BLIND motorists, you can get this. With a SST-90, its High mode:2200lumens, its Low mode:700lumens.

I don't quite have the budget for the Olight, tempting as it is.

The $50 difference is the question, you are right....

Being in the same position as you and wanting to purchase the M1X or the M2S: I'd go the M2S even for the extra $50. This is because if we got the M1X and wanted to mod it with a SST-50, how much would it cost? More than the extra $50 for the M2S. Also having a 3minute 750lm turbo mode is better than having a max mode of only 450lm. If I seriously needed more than 750lm for more than 3mins, I have my LumensFactory Seraph P7 and IMR M6 lights to turn to.

If I didn't like the M2S for some reason and wanted to get the M1X instead, selling the mint condition M2S on MarketPlace, it'll be :paypal: within 10mins.

I don't quite have the budget for the Olight, tempting as it is.

The $50 difference is the question, you are right....

Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!:ohgeez::ohgeez::ohgeez: Don't tell me that!!!:broke::broke::broke: The 20% off has smashed my last line of defence!!!:help:

When my other half sees the credit card bill.... :whoopin::twak::xyxgun::dedhorse::eeksign::awman:

The discount page says 10%... but they are giving 20% with code CPFJET. I've ordered 2 Jetbeams from them and both were 20% incl. free shipping.
Being in the same position as you and wanting to purchase the M1X or the M2S: I'd go the M2S even for the extra $50. This is because if we got the M1X and wanted to mod it with a SST-50, how much would it cost? More than the extra $50 for the M2S. Also having a 3minute 750lm turbo mode is better than having a max mode of only 450lm. If I seriously needed more than 750lm for more than 3mins, I have my LumensFactory Seraph P7 and IMR M6 lights to turn to.

If I didn't like the M2S for some reason and wanted to get the M1X instead, selling the mint condition M2S on MarketPlace, it'll be :paypal: within 10mins.

:paypal:(Didn't use Paypal, but you get the point....)

Pulled the trigger on the M2S and an extender. Thanks for the code, kengps.

kengps, how did you get the extender included?

The extender is automatically included, this is because jetbeam's engineers have advised against using 16340 & 17500 Li-Ons, for fear of over draining the cells. So customers are pretty much left with 17670s or 18650s, unless they use IMR cells. But not everybody has IMR cells, so its better for Jetbeam to include the extender and reduce the number of warranty claims and law suits that might follow from exploding Li-Ons.

:paypal:(Didn't use Paypal, but you get the point....)

Pulled the trigger on the M2S and an extender. Thanks for the code, kengps.

kengps, how did you get the extender included?

There are many discount codes at CPF Marketplace. They have em all compiled on one page. go to "Dealers Corner" Sticky at the top.
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The extender is automatically included, this is because jetbeam's engineers have advised against using 16340 & 17500 Li-Ons, for fear of over draining the cells. So customers are pretty much left with 17670s or 18650s, unless they use IMR cells. But not everybody has IMR cells, so its better for Jetbeam to include the extender and reduce the number of warranty claims and law suits that might follow from exploding Li-Ons.

I guess I have an extra M1X extender now.


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