Jetbeam M1X Problems


Newly Enlightened
Oct 26, 2010
Hi everyone,

just joined the forum now but have been a lurker for a few months now, finally bought an M1x after days of reading your reviews and comparisions and it arrived like 3 mins ago... unfortunately there seems to be a problem :mecry:

When I set the varable brightness to my desired level and get up to walk a few steps, the light seems to flicker as the head feels wobbly. even if i just turn it slightly it momentarily turns off and on, to the point where it enters its sos or special menu mode then back to the variable setting mode. sometimes it even quickly bursts out a 700 lumen blink!

Just wondering, is this normal for the M1X? cos I've never heard of this before, and I'm very unhappy with my purchase :mad:

Also the JETbeam warranty card has a store stamp section but thats blank..... it looks as though i been HAD! :mecry: :mecry: :mecry:

Can someone please shed some light on this matter please

Many thanks in advance
Sounds like a contact issue between the battery tube and the head. Try cleaning the threads.

My M1X requires maybe 1/2 to 2/3rds a twist of the head to get into low/programmable mode. When you twist the head on, you should have a couple of twists before it gets tight else maybe you don't have enough thread to grip on to.

Last thought I have is that maybe the light engine is loose. Make sure the bezel ring is tightened all the way as anything loose in the head could cause intermittent contact issues.

Otherwise, the M1X you received is defective try contacting your supplier before contacting Jetbeam.
I bought a jetbeam M1X some months ago and it flicked ad every level...i sent it back and the new one is perfect. Your M1X is defective for sure.
Yep, looks like its defective, I tried everything to no avail. tried different batt types, with and without extension, tightening the bezel, cleaning the threads...

Contacted my supplier who was very apologetic, they said unfortunately they only checked my product briefly before sending it out to me. I sent it back earlier today at the post office so they'll send me a replacement as soon as they recieve my return. well i guess these things happen.

The head felt very loose even on just a quarter turn from complete tightness, there was a lot of play.

Cant wait till it gets here! the wait starts all over again!
Glad to hear that your vendor is taking care of you. The M1X is an awesome light with a great UI. Good luck with your replacement!