JetBeam MKII.R ramdom flickering problem


Newly Enlightened
Sep 3, 2007
NW Indianapolis
I've noticed my MKII.R has a random flickering problem in different modes at different times and it seems to come and go and cleaning and tightening only seems to help for a while. Has anybody else got this problem, or is it just mine that's like this? I'm wondering if I should send it back in or if anyone has some other suggestions that I might try before I send my precious out across the land :/

Thanks in advance,

Have you tried a fresh battery? I ask because,there is a low battery alarming feature on the Jet 3 is it the same? on the MK11.R.
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I've got the MKII.R and I've tried several batteries and several cleanings to no avail. I think I'll write to bugoutgear and see what they recommend.

EDIT: I've written an e-mail to BugOutGear USA and Flavio quite cheerfully asked me to return it for repair or replacement. What a pleasant experience. I've seldom had such a pleasant exchange with service before!
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