Just got my first surefire


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 6, 2003
London, UK
Hi everyone, newbie here.

just took delivery of a surefire E2e HA, and BOY am i impressed! i was hunting online for a 2AA mag, when i came across a site selling surefires. nearly didnt buy it as it was nearly 10x the price of the minimag, but im glad i did now.
Never knew flashlights could be so good, now i need the KL4.
Never knew flashlights could be so good, now i need the KL4.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yes you do!
Hi kakster,

Good first choice! Now the problem starts.....you will need more Surefires & then there are the LEDs.....it truly is a slippery slope (especially for us UK bods) :)

The KL4 is currently a mythical beast, but if you could get hold of a KL1, you should be more than happy - great piece of kit.

hey NJL

good to see another flashaholic in my neck of the woods, i thought everyone was american here.
where do you get your fix of surefires? ive only found a couple of online retailers, and only one of those has a half decent selection (http://www.heinnie.com/) , and their prices are pretty heart stopping compared to what they charge in the US.
As for the KL1, well to my eyes it looks a bit...dare i say it, girly..
welcome to the board!

surefires are great aren't they? i think your next purchase is going to be an arc aaa

you'd be surprised how many people from around the world we have here, england, usa, canada, singapore...heck, there are even a couple wierdo's from the netherlands
Kakster, it's too late. Do not even try to resist for it is futile. Welcome to the wonderful and addictive world of powerful lights!

I just picked up my 5th Surefire this morning. It's a black G2. I had a G2 before but I gave it to my dad for Christmas. I had to have another. For some reason I favor this one over the E series lights I have and the M2. Great products, every one of them!
is the G2 brighter than e2e? how bout with surge?
Same exact output and bulb as the E2e. Very comfortable high tech plastic housing rather than the aluminum. Not sure how it compares to the Surge.
Just got my first E1e/KL1 and E2e from Tactical Warehouse today.

I'm really impressed with both flashlights. I couldn't decide which to get so I opted for both. E1e/KL1 for 16-lumens and the E2e, 60-lumens. When the KL4 comes out I'll put it on the E2e.

The E2e is really bright and great for impressing your friends or stunning an assailant.

The E1e is bright enough for everyday use (better than my 2-D Cell flashlight), I really like it and plan on it being my primary flashlight.

I also have the ARC-AAA. I would not hesitate recommending this key-chain flashlight to anyone.
i think my next surefire is going to be a C3, possibly with an M2 head (where can i order the M2 bezel seperately?). as for a keychain light, its now obvious to me my feeble mag solitaire isnt up to the job. i have my eye on one of those inova x1's. would it be possible to fit a 1 watt LS in this? i have found a near-AA sized lithium cell(just 1.5mm longer, same diameter) with the same power/capacity rating as a CR123.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a comparison beam shot of the KL1 and E2e with standard head?
