It finally arrive ! I recently got a SF M4 and have been running 2x17670's with an MN15, I've been disappointed with it's performance. After reading several threads here about the LF LA's I decided to give one of their EO-M3T's a try. Their site says 450 lumens, just playing around in the house with it I'd say IMO it's closer to 400 in my particular setup. The beam is very white and tightly focused, it's round unlike SF LA's which are oval shaped. I can't wait for darkness so I can really test it out while walking the dogs, I'll post my thoughts after having it outside later, come on sunset!:thumbsup:**Edited to add: Well the test was great, throw is phenomenal out of the M4 with this LA! It lights up buildings and trees out to 200 yds easily, very white beam as stated earlier tihgtly focused with a soft corona of light around the bright main beam. IMO it's a better setup than the 2x17670/MN16 setup that I had used before. The LA itself is of very high quality consisiting of a white metal body and spring, it differs from SF LA's in that it actually comes up into the TH housing itself instead of stopping at the bottom of the reflector it protrudes probably 1/2". Runtime is stated at 30/35 minutes with this LA being designed for running on Li-Ions. My overall initial impression is very good and I'd certainly recommend this and their other LA's for those of you running a similar setup with recargeables.
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