Just ordered another Benchmade...*sigh* will it ever end?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
I'm getting a bad case of Benchmade-itis. New Graham had a badass looking Limited Edition full size Griptilian sheapsfoot combo edge with the gray handles. I couldn't resist. Hey, my mini Griptilian needed a big brother! Now I just gotta get a Skirmish and I'll be all set. Maybe next month...
lol, yeah knives are addicting...my problem is whenever I got a new knife I always thoguht wow, this is too nice to get all scracthed up, lol, that gave me an excuse to get more...But I am working on my problem, and now when I get new knives I use them instead of put on display or is my collection...I have the collector/investor in me who wants to keep everythgin in mint condition, but every now and then I come to my senses and realize these are awesome tools that should be used, thats what they were made for...
You are destined to be broke if guns, knives, flashlights, tactical nylon, or cars are any of your hobbies.

I am unlucky...I have all of the above.
Sure, it ends. When you find "the perfect" knife. Right now I think I've found the perfect EDC duo, the Spyderco Paramilitary and the Ontario RAT-3. Neither are terribly "tacti-cool" but both are very functional knives. Also, the Surefire A2 and McLux PD basically are the "perfect" lights for me so I'm pretty much done buying lights for the foreseeable future.
I've got two Pro-Techs (Runt+Tantilla) that I placed yesterday. It's an "addiction" to say the least!

carrot said:
Sure, it ends. When you find "the perfect" knife.

I got my "perfect" knife a few weeks ago, a small regular sebenza. I still have impulses to get new knives, but don't feel the real NEED that I used to. SO maybe it does end, and maybe i'm now cured. We'll see. Now I have just been buying and making knives for others...not sure if that's better, but its been cheaper so far.

I also have, what I have thought several times now, to be my perfect EDC light. Its a surefire E1e head tapped out for an aleph light engine on a vital gear FB1 body. Currently sports a GD500 and seoul emitter. Of course, I did meet Arewethereyetdad last week and he had a whole case full of titanium lights with him, and those Ti McGizmos are INCREDIBLE! For now, i'm fine with my little custom E1e, but i'm definately not "cured" on the flashlight front yet.

All you guys are very bad influences on me! I'm really not a knife guy, really, but I've got two Benchmade Benchmites, a Mini-Grip, a Beretta Airlight, Airlight II, Gentleman's knife, a Beretta Trident (just arrived today--cool knife!), and *cough* I just received on Monday...*cough, cough*...a Chris Reeve Mnandi! No more knives for me! There ONLY one more knife that I'll buy, and it's an Umfaan, and since I don't want to pay what people are asking, I'm going to wait until the new design is released (which, according to CRK, could be a while).
It only ends when you ain't got no spare money to buy more.:grin2:
I have not bought a new Benchmade for a whole 3 months.:shakehead
Right now I am carrying 2 Benchmade Rukus, a full size on the right
with black blade and semi-serrated. A small one on the left satin finish,and no serrations. I like both of these knives a lot and will resist buying for, ohhh, maybe another 3 months.
I also EDC a Surefire U2 that is now going on 2 years old and has performed flawlessly, I use it a couple of times every day and it has not failed me yet.
So, get another hobby that sucks up your money and you will stop buying knives.
I ride motorcycles and am currently spending money on that instead.
Sure, it ends. When you find "the perfect" knife. Right now I think I've found the perfect EDC duo, the Spyderco Paramilitary and the Ontario RAT-3. Neither are terribly "tacti-cool" but both are very functional knives. Also, the Surefire A2 and McLux PD basically are the "perfect" lights for me so I'm pretty much done buying lights for the foreseeable future.

The perfect knife? I've been looking for twenty years and I've almost found it. I think the Strider SNG is about as close to the perfect knife as I've ever seen. The Benchmade mini skirmish is a very close second.
Ahh yes, Benchmade...I am venturing into the land of fixed blades and right now I have a BM155 in the mail on its way to me...A trade...I am a folder guy, but I wanted a nice fixed blade for outdoor uses...Anyone have one?
The perfect knife? I've been looking for twenty years and I've almost found it. I think the Strider SNG is about as close to the perfect knife as I've ever seen. The Benchmade mini skirmish is a very close second.

amen, and the rat-3 is the perfect fixed blade to go with that SnG.

KDOG, dont cut off your arm with the big grip we all know your record with the grip line of knives.
The perfect knife? I've been looking for twenty years and I've almost found it. I think the Strider SNG is about as close to the perfect knife as I've ever seen. The Benchmade mini skirmish is a very close second.

It has taken me a long time to find a good knife that feels right to me.

I have had Kershaws, Microtechs, Benchmades, Spyderco's, not to mention alot of other good brands, (along with some heaps of junk,) and while they are all good quality, The Strider SMF, and PT are the best for my hand & the way I use a pocket knife. They could still be better though, I plan to do a few minor mods to my SMF.

Although the sickness has improved, I dont think I will ever get better.