Just ordered the OLIGHT M20 Warrior


Newly Enlightened
May 11, 2009
I just couldn't resist ordering this light. I was looking at other similar lights, the Fenix Tk11 being one of them. I really liked the Fenix, but with the lack of a low, survival use setting, I couldn't justify buying it. To me the Olight has it all. Long run time on all settings, and a very long survival type setting, plus stobe. This is my second light in the past couple weeks since my flashlight obsession kicked into high gear. I bought a TK40 last week after eyeballing it for a month of so. Prior to the Fenix, my best light was a Streamlight Stinger, which isn't crap compared to these lights. Don't get me wrong, they are quality lights, but the runtime sucks and they don't put out near the light these new LED's do. I will be using it mainly for camping and hunting, so it seems to be a perfect light for those long bload trails, and long hikes in the woods digging up fire wood. Anyway, I heard some early complaints about the M20. Have they gotten all the bugs out? Tell me what you like and don't like about your M20. I want to hear it all. It's gonna be a long wait for brown to show up next week!
Good choice!

I love mine, don't have any complaints about it really.
The tint isn't as nice as the TK11, but I'm used to it now and it doesn't bother me.
I got mine with the R2 WD tint. Awesome. Mounted it on my rifle and bought a second one for carry.
Hello Nickanto --

Welcome to CandlePowerForums !


You've made a fine choice, with the Olight M20.


Don't worry, the initial "LowBatteryBlink" bug

has long since been corrected.

Enjoy yer' new flashlight.

Let us know what you think of it.

My M20 was one of the first batch and it seems bugfree, I saw the low-battery warning only once, last week, the cells were depleted as it still was the first set...

What I like : The design is great, the cigar-ring usefull, the built quality is OK, the reflector can be exchanged, the light is really bright and the runtime one of the best.

What I don't like : The typical Olight-UI. You need two hands to change modes and you always have to pass strobe because of the memory. I also would preffer one thick o-ring in Fenix-TK style as two thin ones, pay attention that they stay well lubricated!

What I cant't say : As I swapped the reflector immediately for the SMO, as I wanted a dedicated thrower, I don't know how smooth the beam is with the OP. It is of course very ringy with the SMO and I suggest to stay with the OP if you want a more universal light.
One after thought I have, from my original post.

I have always had a bit of a grip with the clicky, it isn't flimsy however I just feel that it isn't quite as 'strong' as some of my others... maybe it's just the rubber, but i feel like I could sorta push the swith to the side and snap it??
And when activating, it isn't as firm a click as the M30.

I don't know, it's hard to explain lol
I'm currently looking at this as well as the Eagletac T100C2, T100C2 Mark II, T20C2, and Fenix TK10, TK11 (Q5 and R2), TK12.

So many things to consider! :eek:oo:
:candle:I recieved mine in the Christmas giveaway just last November.

I was fortunate enough to also get 2 rechargeable Lithium batteries and a charger with it.

It is my first LED and I love it. I take it camping with me every month with the Boy Scouts.

The most I can say is that once you are outside at night with it I really wish the low setting was still dimmer and it's only rated for 7 lm.

Other wise it will begin to blink once the battery is dying but I try to make sure that I have the space with all of the time.

As to how long it will actually last on the lowest setting? I really can't say because I play with it all of the time. I'm always messing around and turning it on high!

Just a boy with one of his favorite toys!
Here's mine

I bought it after going exhaustively through CPF. I Love it