Just received my Nitecore D10!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2003
And want to thank you guys that recommended that specific light!! It is one of the nicest lights I've ever owned, factory or custom!! I'm just amazed by this light in every regard!! Didn't know you could buy a clip for it and I'm ready to order one, this light is simply amazing!!
I just received my D10 R2 on Saturday and have been enjoying it as well. Now I want to buy an EX10. This is going to be a nasty addiction!:devil:
It's still my most used light. :twothumbs Just waiting for my clip to arrive too. My only slight niggle with it was lack of anti-roll, which the clip should take care of.
Just wondering, do you have to drill holes for the D10 clip? Thanks!!
Sounds great...thanks! I just looked at mine and seen the holes, I'm a little slow!!
And want to thank you guys that recommended that specific light!! It is one of the nicest lights I've ever owned, factory or custom!! I'm just amazed by this light in every regard!! Didn't know you could buy a clip for it and I'm ready to order one, this light is simply amazing!!

Make sure to mention the code spdclip at 4Sevens for a $3.50 discount. And don't bend the clip to install it.

Glad your enjoying it....mine gets used most of the time now. Put a little loctite on the screws right before you install the clip, i used blue.
I'm still really pleased with this light and will like it that much more when I get that clip! Been thinking about buying another Nitecore light, they are really awesome. I already had 3 AW 14500 and it really likes them. I've never before purchased a light of that caliber for that amount. I will loctite those screws also!
Besides the great light from the D10, I am really enjoying the silent piston on/off. None of the annoying "click click" noise. Good for my silent ninja missions :D
Just given away my D10. Tried to like it, but just didn't. It found itself left behind every time I reached for a light.
I received my D10 R2 today and along with my EX10, they are some of the nicest production lights I have seen. Actually nicer than some customs too. It's amazing they are able to churn out this level of quality. I tried looking really close to find flaws but I couldnt.

I should say that the PD system failed out of the box. I took a small screwdriver and gently moved the brass ring back and forth a few times and that fixed it.
i got mine today too.. just 2 minutes before customs office closed.
lucked out as because of easter they decided not to ask me to pay for the taxes of it.. (too small amount to bother the paper work:) )

first impressions

positive: i like the weight and size of it. ano is nice and knurling too. piston clicky moves nice and feels great. beam profile is nicer than i expected just like the tint is.

negative: the ramp up. TOO FAST. only basically minimum highmedium and high are the options. iTP c8 is much more linear and dont speed up too fast like d10 does.
when ramping down on d10 it is much slower and more useful. still from lowest low to low it jumps bit too fast. but ok compared to ramp up.

and then to the BiG problem:
the clip.
i cant find a way to install it.
these look like they are just not meant to go together. the clip and the halfmoon and the flashlight.

the clip and halfmoon i might be able to get together. by forcing and bending them to get the screws thread.. screws end up in really akward angle. (cant tighten them all the way)

but the holes in the flashlight dont line up at all to holes in halfmoon.. if i line up one hole of the flashlight to hole in halfmoon i cant see the other hole of the halfmoon from the other hole in flashlight. (only metal) the hole in the halfmoon is about size of the hole too far. 3mm or so.

any ideas? did i get ex10 halfmoon by mistake?
The clip is a little tricky. Try to get the screw in on one side first, just a tiny bit. Next the screw on the other side just a bit, then tighten them alternatley a bit at a time. It'll bend to shape. Stick with it, it will go on.
well.. i cant see the second thread hole at all!
i did try to tighten it by the other one, didnt bring the other hole any closer. as the halfmoon fits snugly inside the flashlight inner circumference already.

just looks like the hole is drilled and threaded in wrong place on the half moon.

will think about it over weekend. if the flashlight performs ok and i like it, i might just increase the size of the hole in flashlight.. with file or bigger drillbit..
I had exactly the same issue with putting the clip on my D10. It looks like the clip is not the right one for the half moon. Stick with it - it is. The top of clip will bend a bit as you tension the second screw - and that is a good thing because it keeps tension on the threads to help prevent them from backing out.

I was almost ready to send the clip back as it really looked like it went to the EX10 - but it will line up with some grunting, cussing and pressure on the allen wrench. Just get the first one started, leave it loose and get the second screw started. Once both catch, screw them alternately, but don't crank them too much as you will strip the head of the tiny screws.

I too used a dot of blue Loctite to keep it all in place. Once you get it on - you're gonna love it!

Hopefully you already have it on and enjoying it :twothumbs
I found it very easy to do but be careful with the thread locker, I got some on the switch and had to remove it with a bit of sandpaper before the light would work. I think the clip is very nice and if you Permatex the screw threads it should be fine, it is an awesome light!!