Just Received the Sky-Ray S-R5 XPG-R4


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2008
Initial Impressions:

-looks really great, also much smaller than I would've imagined.
-the build quality is.....interesting. For the most part it seems really well made but there are little things that are weird. The threading is so-so which is pretty typical in a budget light. The lens and front o-ring on mine don't seem properly sized so they don't sit entirely right. Also when I first put in batteries it would turn on when I tightened the tailcap fully but now it does, strange.
-I knew this going in, but the oddly hexagonal beam still throws me off a bit.
-as far as output, I can judge better letter but this light is very bright and very throwy.
-the tint is very cool white. Compared to my quark mini 123 it seems a bit bluish but on its own it is a very acceptable cool white.
-the heat management so far seems very impressive. It gets warm quite fast but the heat seems to evenly distribute throughout the entire body of the light never getting too hot. Of course I only ran it for a few minutes so far, but it seems well done in this respect.
-the recessed tailcap is interesting. It does provide a very nice ability to tailstand but it makes the button a bit harder to press. Its a very minor issue though.

Conclusion - without a non-crennelated bezel and a better o-ring and lens, this would be a pretty perfect light. Luckily, I feel like replacing this parts shouldn't be too difficult. Even with its flaws this is a pretty awesome light for 21 bucks.

I'll try and go more in depth and do some beamshots sometime this weekend.

EDIT: Just took some pictures comparing the sky-ray to the quark mini 123 on high. As always, I apologize for my crappy camera and even crappier photography skills. Incidentally, the sky-ray is running an 18650 and the quark is running a cr123 primary.

Here is a link to the gallery:

the kitchen shots don't really do the sky-ray justice but the comparison gives you a pretty good idea as far as brightness. The sky-ray's hotspot is brighter than the mini's hotspot and same goes for the spill, although the sky-rays spill is not brighter than the mini's hotspot. I'd say the 320 lumens is probably not too far off. Maybe 300, maybe 275. Whatever, its bright. Also, as with everyone else, the odd shape the bezel gives the beam bothers me too. However, as you can kinda see it really isn't very noticeable in actual use.

I have to take some pics of the sky-ray running on cr123's later because someone said that it was dimmer on primaries but it actually looked brighter to me, it was hard to tell tho.
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Awesome, can't wait for your further reporting and pics!

When did you order? Mine supposedly just left for the US (I ordered on 2/19, lol).

So, I assume it has an xpg-r5, not the imaginary xpe-r4?

I ordered a bag of extra 28mm o-rings (the orange ones), as someone mentioned the lens rattling due to the need for a thicker and/or extra o-ring. Do you think those will be better than the stock install?

I'm happy to hear your accolades concerning heat-sinking. So, you don't think any mods are needed?

Um, yeah, anything you notice or suggest is much appreciated. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend, and get to have some fun w/ your new toy....

I think its a combination of the lens and the o-ring being to small. I was thinking this lens might fit better but I'm really not an expert on these things:

what o-rings were recommended to you? I would also like to buy some better o-rings.

I would love to replace the crenellated bezel too, but I have no idea where to look for that.

Again, I'm no expert and I def have to test it more but the heat sinking seems more than adequate to me.

I will keep adding any observations that I have on the light.

I really don't know how to verify what LED is in there, the drop in says super bright r5 on the side and it is very bright, thats all I can say for sure, but if you look in some of the threads on DX about the light it seems like that means its an XP-G.
I don't think you are going to be able to find a replacement bezel. You should have just ordered the Uniquefire L2 R5 which has a non-crenelated bezel.

Regarding o-ring, I don't think any o-rings sold on DX are going to be any better than the one's in the light (unless the size is just wrong) however until you are looking at diving lights I don't think the stock o-rings are going to be any problem.

I don't like those bezels either and that's why I got the Uniquefire.
I think its a combination of the lens and the o-ring being to small. I was thinking this lens might fit better but I'm really not an expert on these things:

what o-rings were recommended to you? I would also like to buy some better o-rings.

I would love to replace the crenellated bezel too, but I have no idea where to look for that.

Again, I'm no expert and I def have to test it more but the heat sinking seems more than adequate to me.

I will keep adding any observations that I have on the light.

I really don't know how to verify what LED is in there, the drop in says super bright r5 on the side and it is very bright, thats all I can say for sure, but if you look in some of the threads on DX about the light it seems like that means its an XP-G.

Hey. The latest review on DX is from a guy real happy W/ his skyray, except for the lens/o-ring issue. I ordered the 28mm orange o-rings from DX, cause a couple other reviewers said that by adding a 2ng o-ring, so there is one in front and behind the lens, the lens was held sturdy w/ no rattling. We'll see when I get my stuff. This guy postulates that the lens and o-rings should be 30mm ideally. Here is what he says:

Overall Rating:

Pros: I got this about 2-3 weeks ago in the last week of March. I must say it's REALLY bright - in fact nearly as bright as my SSC-P7 torch which costs $15 more and is rated at 900 lumens (yeah, sure). The colour of the light is pleasantly neutral (my P7 is a quite greenish) and the throw is a good compromise between a flood and a throw. The protected 18650's from DX fit nicely and I love the orange tailcap thingy. Cons: As expected from reading the reviews, I found that the O ring and glass doesn't quite fit so well. I measured the glass as 27mm which is about 2.5mm less than what it shoud be. And the anodizing could be a little tougher. I put a small scratch on the body within a day of owning it.

Other Thoughts: There's been some discussion concerning the XPG/XPE issue. I really don't know the difference but I am completely happy with this torch. For the money it's worth it. I had to spend some thime to file down the edges of the crown bezel, finishing off with some fine sandpaper. Just a bit too sharp for my liking. I'll be ordering some 30mm glass and O rings (only costs a couple of dollars) soon.

: No need to think about it too much. Just get one.
Got one too, kinda new to flashlights, but yes i put my edc p7 down and now carry this. Little useful spill and throws for 20 buck heck ya.
Thanks for all the info guys! I will probably go ahead and order some 30mm orings and lens too and see if that works better. It is not a question of quality, just the wrong size imo. The way the bezel shapes the beam is really annoying but my problem with the uniquefire's is that the multimode versions only accept 4.2v max and the ones that accept higher are only single mode from what I could tell, and I wanted it to be multi-mode. Incidentally, the multi-mode and memory work very well on this light from what I can tell.
Thanks for all the info guys! I will probably go ahead and order some 30mm orings and lens too and see if that works better. It is not a question of quality, just the wrong size imo. The way the bezel shapes the beam is really annoying but my problem with the uniquefire's is that the multimode versions only accept 4.2v max and the ones that accept higher are only single mode from what I could tell, and I wanted it to be multi-mode. Incidentally, the multi-mode and memory work very well on this light from what I can tell.

I just tried it and it uses (2) Cr123's as well and it's the multi-mode one.

Update: I tried this again and fried the light so I guess the lesson learned is stick to 18650!
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hmmm interesting, oh well. Always another light to buy right? :)
Just in case, can you give me the sku for the one you got?
hmmm interesting, oh well. Always another light to buy right? :)
Just in case, can you give me the sku for the one you got?

The DX sku is 33549.

It says 4.2V by the way but it does work just fine with 2 Cr123's, they are a little loose of course since they have a smaller diameter than 18650's.
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hmmm interesting, oh well. Always another light to buy right? :)
Just in case, can you give me the sku for the one you got?

They all have the "Super Bright R5" drop-ins so it seems unlikely that some of them will work with 2xCR123 and some won't.

BTW, a 28mm lens is a perfect fit in my SkyRay so I doubt 30mm will fit very good... Also, good luck on getting the 28mm o-rings, I ordered them almost two months ago and still not shipped.
They all have the "Super Bright R5" drop-ins so it seems unlikely that some of them will work with 2xCR123 and some won't.

BTW, a 28mm lens is a perfect fit in my SkyRay so I doubt 30mm will fit very good... Also, good luck on getting the 28mm o-rings, I ordered them almost two months ago and still not shipped.

Looks like I lucked out by getting the o-rings, but not by having to wait nearly 2mos. for the anchor item Skyray. Package 1 arrived on 3/20, Package 2 is due here today, and, hopefully, package 3, will arrive not too much later....Hey, I was just thinking---I have no need for 20 o-rings, so if you want me to send you a couple, just PM me your shipping address, and I'd be happy to help a brother out....

Invoice / Order #: xxxxxxxxx
2/19/2010 3:49:50 AM

Status: Shipped

Ship To:
Madison, WI 53713


Shipment #
SKU Product or Service Name Quantity Price Shipping

05790 TrustFire Protected 18650 Lithium Battery (2500mAh 2-Pack Blue) x 1 Shipped $8.18 -
24125 Tank007 E07 HA-III OSRAM 120-Lumen LED Flashlight (1*AA) x 1 Shipped $13.78 -
25435 Designer's Fashion Sport Style Stereo Headphone - White (3.5mm Jack/110cm Cable) x 1 Shipped $5.75 -

05664 Water-tight O-Ring Seal (28mm 20-Pack) x 1 Shipped $1.66 -
06105 Digital Li-Ion 18650 Battery Charger x 1 Shipped $7.92 -
25223 USB Rechargeable Easter Egg Tumbler Speaker (3.5mm Jack Purple) x 1 Shipped $9.29 -

32749 SKYRAY S-R5 Cree XPE-R4 5-Mode 320-Lumen Memory LED Flashlight (1*18650/2*16340) x 1 Shipped $21.56 -
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I ordered one when it first hit DX mine doesn't seem to have the lens/o-ring problem.

If you do find a bezel that fits let us know because the pattern at the edge of the beam is the only thing I don't like about this light.

Still an amazing value.
O-rings: still looking for some thin 28 mm rings. I've got some 28 mm X 1mm rings but too thick to work.

Glass: No joy finding a ~ 28 mm UCL glass. Haven't ordered the DX 28 mm [sort-of] aspheric yet...

Anyone tried a SolarForce or LF R2 or Q5 drop-in in the Sky yet? I tried a WW Q3, nice incan looking light but not much in the way of output.

Hey, I was just thinking---I have no need for 20 o-rings, so if you want me to send you a couple, just PM me your shipping address, and I'd be happy to help a brother out....

Thanks for your kind offer, but I won't need them in the near future. It would be interesting to hear if they fit in the SkyRay though.
Just wanted to let you guys know I added some photos in the original post. Hope they're helpful.
Just wanted to let you guys know I added some photos in the original post. Hope they're helpful.

Thanks for the pics. They will tide we over, provided my skyray actually comes this week, lol. So, the color of the skyray looks pretty nice compared to the quark, no? Not sure if it's your camera, but the skyray appears neutral to slightly cool, and the quark is tending towards slightly greenish. Is that how you perceive it in the real world (or at least your real kitchen)?
This is a very subjective issue, but I really like the tint of my quark. I can see how some people find it greenish, but I just find it slightly warm white. In contrast, the sky-ray seems a little bluish to me. However, on their own they both have nice white tints.

My personal preference is for the quark, but again, that's just me.
I brought this guy with me while walking the dog last night and wow, it can really light up the side of a building, I probably walk up more than a few people. :devil:

Now I live in NYC, so its never really 100% dark here, but I was still pretty impressed by the shine this lil guy puts out. It's hard to believe it was only 20 bucks.