kaidomain--new web page

LiteBrite said:
No mention of the rex light anywhere.:ohgeez::sweat::rant:.:scowl::mad: :mecry: :thumbsdow :awman: :wtf: :whoopin:

it just hasen't been released yet. let's just hope it will very soon!:popcorn:
I wonder if Seoul Z-Power LED Emitter w/ board U-bin sold there uses star that is put on by Seoul or aftermarket, the former supposedly better for heatsinking. That price is half that for GB's for U bin star.
I am so tempted to order GAURI but I am waiting for the RexLight 2.0 to show up. If you already have rechargeable lithium in AA format, you should go for GAURI. On paper, it looks like an excellent deal for $18 shipped.

I did order DAVIDA (1xRCR23) light along with the SSC P4 Ubin. I suspect there will be some surgery involved but I would like to attempt my hand in creating a Ghetto RAW. For $14 investment, how can I go wrong? If that works, I will ask here how to strip the paint from the body and make it shiny like RAW :)

- Vikas

GAURI - https://www.kaidomain.com/WEBUI/ProductDetail.aspx?TranID=1274
DAVIDA - https://www.kaidomain.com/WEBUI/ProductDetail.aspx?TranID=1272
the GAURI looks tempting... juz a nice, affordable 'raw' looking light... but it looks like the light can't tailstand as the rubber tailcap seems to be protruding out quite a bit. Anybody care to confirm this?
LiteBrite said:
No mention of the rex light anywhere.:ohgeez::sweat::rant:.:scowl::mad: :mecry: :thumbsdow :awman: :wtf: :whoopin:
I says right at the top of the page "Rexlight REX2.0 countdown" and links to the Rexlight info.
That link wasn't there at the time. I did receive an e-mail later form Kai stating she would be adding the link later and that the light should be on sale very soon.