Kaidomain refunding SSC P4 buyers


Newly Enlightened
Jan 6, 2007
A while back I ordered a couple of SSC P4s stars from Kaidomain. Today I received an email telling me that they were issuing a refund because they have quality problems with their current supplier: ''We are experiencing quality issue for the Z-power LED Emitter. Until we find another better source, we will not sell this item to our customer. Here is the full refund for this LED Emitter.'' I appreciate their honesty, but has anybody got problems with the ones they ordered from Dealextreme. Thanks.
A bit off topic, but these are the problems you risk running into when nothing is stocked. I just got a refund from dealextreme for a light I had ordered that said it was in stock when I ordered it (2 months ago), waited and waited, purchased a charger and rechargeable batteries for it that arrived (from DX and AW, respectively), and in the end, no light and a charger and batteries I have no use for now. I appreciate their rapid refund, but I still have accessories I bought in anticipation of this light that I have no use for. Kai also has the same light out of stock, but on Kai's site, it says "In stock".

Good luck with your SSC stars. I believe Kai and Kyle purchase much of their products (not all) from the same distributors, so if one has a problem, the other likely will also.
One of my SSC p4 U-bin I got has some problems, sometimes it works and sometime it won't, and now it is completely DEAD. (received mine from DX)
lightbug said:
One of my SSC p4 U-bin I got has some problems, sometimes it works and sometime it won't, and now it is completely DEAD. (received mine from DX)

I had a SSC from DX that diddnt work, try heating the arms of the led with a soldering iron and make sure there attached to the star, I did that and it fixed it no problem.

my u-bin stars, and emitters have been "Shipped"
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Just modded 3 headlamps to use U-bin SSC P4 stars from DealExtreme. No problems at all. I was also very happy with the color and brightness consistency (stats caution: sample size of 3 from DX :) ). There isn't much to these, so I think Nakahoshi's suggestion is a good one. It's unlikely the actual emitter is dead. I suppose it's possible that one of the traces on the MCPCB is marginal; if re-soldering one of the arms doesn't fix it, I guess you could unsolder it and use as an emitter :O I know, not what you were hoping for.
HI Nakahoshi,
I have tried what you suggested, and it still won't work. :awman:

Also, I have tested out the emitter too, NO LUCK. It is not a problem causing by the star. I bought total of 5 SSC p4 u-bin from DX, so far this is the only one with fault. The 2 stars I installed on ELLY flashlights work flawlessly.
I bought 3 from DX before. All 3 have worked fine for me. From my understanding, the problem is probably not with the emitters rather the problem is probably with the factory that they go through for the stars. The factories they get the flashlights from buy the emitters in bulk and attach the emitters to the stars there. I've been told by Kyle at DX that there have be concerns with the skill level of the factory workers before. But supposedly they test their products before they sell them. For example if you read the product description on the Cree Elly that Kai sells, he said something about getting them from the factory and the quality checking them. I have 4 more on the way. Hopefully I don't get any lemons.
myk said:
it's also possible he just couldn't get anyore at that price/realized he was losing money on them
Haha, true... Kaidomains 'honesty' spiel was likely just covering up the fact that they couldn't get anymore at that price.. As a Chinese I know how tricky/cheeky these Chinese dealers can be. :laughing:

Quote Kaidomain: "Until we find another better source, we will not sell this item to our customer.":whistle:

I guess the only people laughing all the way to the bank are Cree INC. and Seoul. Lol:laughing:
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lightbug said:
HI Nakahoshi,
I have tried what you suggested, and it still won't work. :awman:

Also, I have tested out the emitter too, NO LUCK. It is not a problem causing by the star. I bought total of 5 SSC p4 u-bin from DX, so far this is the only one with fault. The 2 stars I installed on ELLY flashlights work flawlessly.

i also try that method didn't work as well.
time to call kai and request for refund.:rant:
I just received my order of "DAVIDA" (cheap CR123 twisty light) along with SSC P4 star from Kaidomain. I will have to sand down the star before it will go in DAVIDA. Kai is no longer offering SSC P4 star from his web-site.

The DAVIDA looks identical to the DX offerings but Kyle has different colors available. Kyle also had made pre-installed Cree version available. I have one on order.

- Vikas
Is it the case for SSC P4 U-bin from Dealextreme.com too?
I got mine and modded my pelican M3 with it, but no problem so far.
Kai's email to me ,
I will grant you with full refund after I received the bulb. Do you think if I can get a DC powered supply to test the bulb one by one before they go out? SSC seems to have quite a bit of problem, CREE seems problem free.

Let me know after you returned the stuff.

Hmm I wonder if it's an issue with whoever applies the emitters to the stars, if they are overheating them or miss-handling them. Also it's been known that SSC P4's are not quite as durable as cree xre (xre solders the die, SSC p4 just uses thermal epoxy like a 5mm led) and sometimes have issues with tint and turning angry blue/etc. Perhaps a bad batch of them?
i ordered 2 cree stars and 2 ssc stars from dx last month. they sent the crees out with a note indicating some trouble getting the rest of the order
luminari said:
Just modded 3 headlamps to use U-bin SSC P4 stars from DealExtreme. No problems at all. I was also very happy with the color and brightness consistency (stats caution: sample size of 3 from DX :) ). There isn't much to these, so I think Nakahoshi's suggestion is a good one. It's unlikely the actual emitter is dead. I suppose it's possible that one of the traces on the MCPCB is marginal; if re-soldering one of the arms doesn't fix it, I guess you could unsolder it and use as an emitter :O I know, not what you were hoping for.
Same excellent results here with a set of 2 U's.
xiaowenzu said:
Kaidomains 'honesty' spiel was likely just covering up the fact that they couldn't get anymore at that price.. As a Chinese I know how tricky/cheeky these Chinese dealers can be.

:ohgeez:Whoa. I'm not from China, nor a dealer, but let's keep the racism out of these forums, k?
Ok, on a lighter note :) I actually did another comparison, and one of the U-bin P4s actually had a noticably warmer tint than the other two stars. Brightness is about the same, though. Many people have remarked that, even in the same bin, there are pretty wide color variations.

That being said, the four U-bins I got from the Sandwich Shoppe and Hotbeam were all pretty much exactly the same excellent tint. Sample size of four, so YMMV :p