KC's modded to bi-pin bulb?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 5, 2007
Las Vegas
I own the KC Rally 800 130w lights right now. On the front of my truck. I was wondering if I was to take those, or perhaps some of the cheaper rubber mounted dayliter series and convert them to a bi-pin bulb how they might compare to stock? I was thinking of something like for instance the Osram 64625 or some of the other 12 volt bulbs that are listed here:

So, I am wanting to know how the light output would compare, and if they could possibly hold up to off road duty. I realize the bulb life would be pretty short, 10 hours or less probably, but I am just curious. Honestly I doubt they get 10 hours use a year.

The chart posted shows over 5,000 lumens at 13.8 volts, which is where I have noticed my charging system usually peaks. I suppose I could even run a resistor in line to drop voltage some.

The KC's, listed here: http://www.kchilites.com/store/repl_Rally800.aspx
show 375,000 beam candlepower. What does that mean in plain english?
I doubt the filaments would be rugged enough to be even that reliable. Go over the first bump and that might be it for the night. :sigh: I'm more than willing to be proven wrong, though.

As for the resistor, it would have to be very low resistance - about 0.09 ohms to drop 1 volt (and dissipating 10.8 watts). It would be more practical to make the wires providing it with power a tad longer. At least then your heat would be dissipated along the length of your wire.
Yah, I was certainly worried about the durability of the filaments as well. I suppose I will put this one on the back burner. But, the question still remains, would it be more, or less light?
I added HIDS to my KC Daylighters for my wagon :)

Dial up :shakehead whats that ?


Check my newbie thread and its no way 56k friendly :crackup:
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Hey those look great. I will have to post a picture of my truck. Maybe HID's in the future, I dunno. I keep reading all the negative stuff on using them, the retro kits I mean. But maybe it doesn't apply to off road? I will have to more carefully read the stuff on Daniel Stern's website.

I kind have my heart set on getting the one's from checker auto (or kragen's as some of you may know it?) I think they are like 130-140 apiece with build in ballasts. Maybe just one of them even. If I post the picture of my truck you will see I am running out of space.

For the price I paid for those KC's I could have bought 2 of the HID's and had money left to spare!
If all you want is bright offroad lighting, I'd get a cheap set of driving lights and an HID kit. OFFROAD ONLY, as they'll blind the beejeezus out of everyone on the road. They might make decent high beams without causing a safety issue, but HID's don't like to be cycled and that's precisely what high beams are required to do.

Chilled- Even if you're not going to make the pics smaller to comply with forum rules, maybe you could be considerate to those of us still on dial up? There's nothing else available out here in the sticks.
