KL4 mod suggestions?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 16, 2005
Barrie/Toronto Ontario
After waiting 6 months for a replacement KL4 head from SF, I got a nice bright white one. After 2 weeks, it pooped out. Dead as can be.

I've since received my 2 P2D's, so I need to figure out what to do with the KL4.

-Sell it as is for a loss?
-Wait another 6 months for a replacement? (stock KL4's still hold their own)
-Get it modded with the latest greatest? Suggestions as to the specific mod?

Thanks for any input. I also have a working KL1 if there are any great mods for that one as well. Peace.
Are you running the thing on rechargables or something??

Back on topic - you're probably just not lucky and should send it to me. I'll dispose of it for you ;)
Something else is wrong if you've fried 2 of them like that. I'd have it modded with a Cree U3 (?) bin.
first one didn't die, but was in a motorcycle accident (aka gouged badly), and combined with years of hating a pukey tint, i sent it in.

The replacement was an awesome head, but went dead within 2 weeks like I said.

To answer the question, i run nothing but R123 (4.2V) 1-cell lights, so there was no reason for the KL4 to fry as far as I know. Let me know if that was an incorrect assumption.

In terms of mods, please be specific in terms of who and price ballparks, as I've been out of the torch loop for a while, with the exception of snagging those P2D's (and liking them BTW, but they will never be Surefires)
Did you run it on 2 of the R123s?? That'd kill it right out..

Anyway, you don't know for sure what fried, either, right?? I mean, if you were running 2 R123s then it's probably the electronics, but it's hard to say if you toasted the LED or the driver or what.. the LED could be fine, with a blown whoohah piece of electronic goodiness that somebody with some awesome soldering skills would need to fix..
i almost specified that i never ran any head on 2 cells of any type, never mind rechargeable, but i thought that part was semi-clear. To repeat, only ever one cell.

i'm not sure what part fried, or came loose, of whatever. not sure. just wanted opinions on a cree upgrade, or sell it, or what.
Send it to Milkyspit to be modded, you won't be disappointed.

I heard surefire heads are hard to take apart so modding might be difficult. It'll take heat ans strap wrenches according to what I have heard.
Here is my Milky Modded KL4 head, Seoulmated SSCP4 USWOH. It is awesome, I just happen to have it attached to an Arc LS clickie. Send it off to Milky, you WILL NOT be disappointed I agree.


Surefire was backordered on KL4s for a while, they may have replenished their inventory and can send a replacement head a little quicker. You have already dished out the money, the light should work. I vote for sending it back in, Surefire should know their parts are failing and figure out why.
shinbone said:
Surefire was backordered on KL4s for a while, they may have replenished their inventory and can send a replacement head a little quicker. You have already dished out the money, the light should work. I vote for sending it back in, Surefire should know their parts are failing and figure out why.

That'd be my first move. Get the replacement head from Surefire.

I'd still have Milky work on it though. ;) :)
Something sounds amiss to me - did you blow both KL4s on the same setup (body and switch, since you didn't specify those) or were they totally unrelated??

I've run my KL1 and KL4 on a VG1 body with AW's RCR123 with no trouble..
I'm with Shinbone, send it back to Surefire for replacement. They should figure it out why both failed. For the wait, I think its unfortunate but at least they replaced it. All the best.....
ACMarina said:
Something sounds amiss to me - did you blow both KL4s on the same setup (body and switch, since you didn't specify those) or were they totally unrelated??

I've run my KL1 and KL4 on a VG1 body with AW's RCR123 with no trouble..

Exact same setup. KL4 on FB1 and KL1 on FB1, both powered by a single of AW's blue-wrapped 3.7v r123's.

Only the replacement head fried or broke, the original was sent in for other reasons. Thanks for the responses.
Ohhh, okay.. Well, can you physically see any trouble from the outside?? Like is the LED all smoked or anything? A seoul swap would be pretty straightforward; swapping the electronics would be a little more involved..
Not to hijack the thread, but is it possible that running the KL4 at an input voltage that is too low is causing the circuitry to overheat and die? I have seen some boost converters that will run hot if they have to boost the voltage too far to meet the Vf of the LED. The loss in efficiency of the converter at the the lower voltage causes it to heat up from pumping too much current though it.Kind of like burning up a power saw by using a long,cheap extension cord that causes excessive voltage drop or "sag".