Know of any restrictions on flashlights for Cruise Ships


Newly Enlightened
May 26, 2006
My wife and I are going on a cruise at the end of April to the Bahamas. Just wondering if any one knows of or had any experience with this kinda situation before, as far as flashlight restrictions.
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My experiences on Carnival has been they dont seem to be concerned about much. I put all my flashlights, cameras. gps etc in my carry on and have never been questioned about anything.
LEDaholic, how about multitools, reasonably sized folders?

We're going on an inside passage trip. Never "cruised" before -- just not our style, but this seems like a good way to see marine wildlife, glaciers, etc in a fairly short period of time.
i have flown numerous times with my HDS EDC. Have never had any problems going through bag checks. Sometimes they turn it on and go "wow thats really bright". As far as cruise ships go, theyd on't care either. They are more concerened about alcohol being brought onboard.
I just got back from the British Virgin Islands on a Windjammer Cruise with no issues with flashlights or knives.
If you leave the ship while docked for shopping, optional excursions, etc., just be conscious of what you take with you, and what you leave onboard.

You may be subject to strict local laws regarding your folder and/or multi-tool (or maybe even things like an E2D or kubaton), so be aware of those laws before you go if you plan to get off the ship a lot. You also won't want to leave too much of value in your cabin while you're out due to the risk of theft.

Enjoy your cruise!!

I cruised on Royal Carribean last summer and had no problems with my minimag or my solitaire (which I lost on the boat). I also carried my Buck folder on the boat.

Had no problems getting off or on in Nassau carrrying the minimag or a swiss army knife. Though I'm not sure of the knife laws there, I didn't think the SAK would cause too much trouble.
I agree with K.Mike, check with the cruise line before bringing your sharp toys. 2 years ago, my wife and I had to leave our pocket knives (kershaws) at the front desk at first boarding, and we retrieved it before final disembarkation. She totally forgot it was in her purse and I placed mine in my backpack. Funny thing though, we used metal forks and knives provided by the cruise line for all our meals.
I'm concerned about what DarkVapor experienced. Did they do search or just ask if you had any "weapons" when you boarded?

We'll be off the boat at three Alaska ports. We've got fishing trip planned for one and I'd feel lost without at least a multi-tool or SAK. I assume I can get such things on board in my baggage but am concerned about re-boarding with them when visiting a port.
Mr Big, they had x-ray machines just like at the airport - that's how the pocket knives were found during the check-in at the terminal. My wife's uncle was on a cruise similar to the one I was on and "smuggled" a wine cork opener in his check-in bag. He forgot to leave it on board, took it with him on a land jaunt, and gave it up to the cruise crew during the security check when he returned to board the ship. I think the security check is different from state to state. Flashlights shouldn't be a problem, IMO, especially if it's allowed on air travel.
On Royal Caribbean cruises I always bring a few lights, leatherman and a swiss army knife. I always keep the lights and my swiss army knife in my backpack that I carry on the ship. No problems with security. I put the letherman in my suitcase just to be safe when I go through the security scan.
I brought an E2E, a E1L and a 1-cell KL4 on the Royal Carribean Mariner of the Seas. Granted, I checked all but the E1L, but I didn't have any problems. On that note, it was great fun to head to the helicopter pad at the front of the ship at 2:00am. It was deserted and PITCH black. I've never had so much fun comparing beamshots.
Thanks. I'll probably take a couple of dollar store multitools that I can throw away if necessary. Don't anticipate any problem with flashlights. I don't travel with valuable lights anyway unless I'm checking a firearm and they can be included in the locked case.

This "stuff" is why so many of us fly as little as possible.
rico said:
I brought an E2E, a E1L and a 1-cell KL4 on the Royal Carribean Mariner of the Seas. Granted, I checked all but the E1L, but I didn't have any problems. On that note, it was great fun to head to the helicopter pad at the front of the ship at 2:00am. It was deserted and PITCH black. I've never had so much fun comparing beamshots.

I'm surprised nobody showed up from the bridge... There is a reason it's that dark at the front of the ship at night... With that being said, having a flashlight with you on the ship is not a bad idea. If the power goes out (and the backup - I've seen it happen) if you are somewhere without windows it will be pitch black even during the day. I've worked on cruise ships before, and it was recommended to us to carry a small flashlight for this very reason. It may not be much of an issue any more since around the mid '90's low level emergency lighting has been a requirement. Even so, carrying around a small keychain light couldn't hurt.
If it is okay to hand carry on a plane then on a cruise liner should be no problem. Having a light on a cruise ship will be handy IMHO. They are more worried if you carry illegal stuff like firearms or weapons, drugs and alcohol.