I'd kind of followed this saga, since I was interested in the lights:
It seems the L1T/L2Ts had the Rebel emitters and forward clickies...
Then, the forward clickies weren't working so well, so bye-bye L1T/L2T.
Then 'they're back!' but now with a plain vanilla reverse clicky, which, at least, worked.
THEN FenixStore dumped the Rebel LEDs. They either retrofitted the existing L1T/L2Ts with Q2s or had some shipped from Fenix with the Cree emitter. When they sold those out, that was it....
Except it looks like they had some L2Ts with the Rebels and the reverse clikies left. At least, they're still shown on the FenixStore site.
I'd like to think that, due to all of us flashaholics grumbling and complaining to FenixStore about the untimely demise of the L1T/L2T (the only freakin' light without strobe and SOS, or so it seems-except the P1-CE PLEASE DON'T KILL THAT ONE!) that Fenix got its head out of its ....oh, sorry family site, ... ahem-
NOW FenixStore says more L1T/L2Ts are on the way with forward (I hope they work this time) clickies. And I assume (yeah, I know 'when you assume....') they will have Q2s, not Rebels.
This time I WILL buy one.