just got my l2d rb100 from fenix-store today. awesome awesome torch, from all the hype i was kinda expecting it to be a little brighter
but yer, took it outside tonight and on turbo it could light up the park over the road. i agree with others, the sos should be a ultra low. and yer i have the bright flash going into the lower modes too.
anyhow, after i settled down, i noticed that the beam has a yellow spot in one corner. 10cm throw on low modes shows a very vivid yellow spot. and on high in a room one side of the beam has a definate yellow hue.
so has anyone else got this issue as well? is this abnormal and worth seeking support from fenix-store? this is more than a tringe on the overall beam, its a only on the one side and makes the beam looks white and yellow at the same time.
using low mode for close in work its already distracting, and im worried that on high im not getting full brightness because of the shading that the difference creates. its still very bright and is still usable, but appears to be a manufacturing issue.
what do other rb100 owners recon?
anyhow, after i settled down, i noticed that the beam has a yellow spot in one corner. 10cm throw on low modes shows a very vivid yellow spot. and on high in a room one side of the beam has a definate yellow hue.
so has anyone else got this issue as well? is this abnormal and worth seeking support from fenix-store? this is more than a tringe on the overall beam, its a only on the one side and makes the beam looks white and yellow at the same time.
using low mode for close in work its already distracting, and im worried that on high im not getting full brightness because of the shading that the difference creates. its still very bright and is still usable, but appears to be a manufacturing issue.
what do other rb100 owners recon?