L35 or AE Xenade 25W or too keep my N30???


Newly Enlightened
Jun 25, 2007
As a true flashoholic I´m thinking of renewal. I m probably will sell my too my Amondotech N30 and try another HID. I´m very satisfied with the N30, the only problem for me is the runtime and that it isn´t water proof (I want something to use In rain, walking at night in the open country, when fishing etc) and that it's always funny with new gadgets ;-)

My budget is up to 500 $.
I want flood (its okey to get the flood with a diffuser), good runtime,
rather water proof etc.

The too HIDs i have in mind is the upcoming Amondotech L35 or the
AE Xenide 25W HID.

Do you CPF:s think that the AE Xenide 25W will apear too weak when
I'm used to the Amondotech 30?

Will the L35 be a better overall HID (i like the Leds option on it too). But its not really water proof I think?

I know that it´s two diffrent HID:s but I like them both (or what i read about them).

One alternativ is also to keep the N30.......but as I said earlier, its fun with new gadgets =)

Merry Christmas too your all!

//Henke from Sweden
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L35! It will be a great, almost waterproof light. My guess is that the reduction in Lumens and the higher color temp (if it's not 4300K) will disappoint you with the other choice. The L35 or a couple of them, are on my list.
L35! It will be a great, almost waterproof light. My guess is that the reduction in Lumens and the higher color temp (if it's not 4300K) will disappoint you with the other choice. The L35 or a couple of them, are on my list.

Okey almost waterproof sounds good =) Do you think it wil be no problem too use it when it rains? Or is it better not too be on the safe side?
hello Henke!
There is one brand that I think is a bit underrated, and that is Maxtel. I' ve had the JF 990 for almost 3 years and it's been a very nice light. When the battery got sick a few months ago, I decided to get the newer mod. JF 9910. I got it last week and It's awesome, more throw and lion battery that runs 90 min. I bought an extra battery, so I have plenty of time to, for exemple find me a nice christmas tree. I live in Sweden and as you know Henke, it gets dark early in the afternoon this time of year . Have a look at this site www.maxtel.jp
Merry chrismas Benke
hello Henke!
There is one brand that I think is a bit underrated, and that is Maxtel. I' ve had the JF 990 for almost 3 years and it's been a very nice light. When the battery got sick a few months ago, I decided to get the newer mod. JF 9910. I got it last week and It's awesome, more throw and lion battery that runs 90 min. I bought an extra battery, so I have plenty of time to, for exemple find me a nice christmas tree. I live in Sweden and as you know Henke, it gets dark early in the afternoon this time of year . Have a look at this site www.maxtel.jp
Merry chrismas Benke

The JF 990 better known as the ACRO X990/990X or McCulloch HID, has been a highly regarded light for about three years now among CPF members. With a retail price of close to $400 I feel that it's too pricey for a NiMH power light and it's also a bit large in my hand. The JF 9910 better known as the ACRO RL-11 or ACRO 3100 is a very good light from everything I've researched about it. It also has receiced some favorable reviews. If it wasn't for the slightly less expensive L35 the RL-11 would definately be the top choice for the li-ion / li-po powered, medium reflector, HID category. The only small issue that I'm not fond of on the RL-11 is the charging plug that hangs like a rat tail from the light. I wish they would have moulded that connection port into the body and put a rubber plug cover on it. Considering that the L35 is way past its original September release day and no updates have been provided in months, the RL-11 would be a fantastic upgrade from the N30 for those not willing to wait for an undetermined amount of time.
Thanks for the information guys =)

I now about the ACRO X990/990X but i havent even herd about the ACRO RL-11 thatsa totaly new HID for me. Think I have to do a research of this one :twothumbs
Henke, have you ever considered a custom HID, like the ones Mac builds?

In a M@g body the light will be almost indestructble. And they are very handy..

Even thou the output is much lower than the N30 I think that the feel and usefulness exceed the N30..

My Mini Mac HID is just a 10W, but I use it very often.
Henke, have you ever considered a custom HID, like the ones Mac builds?

In a M@g body the light will be almost indestructble. And they are very handy..

Even thou the output is much lower than the N30 I think that the feel and usefulness exceed the N30..

My Mini Mac HID is just a 10W, but I use it very often.

Team Member, thats also a really interesting alternative. The smaller body is a really good advantage. I think the problem is the runtime, it would be nice with a runtime around 120 minutes (for long walks etc). Thats one of the futures I like with the AE Xenide. But Mini Mac format is a real +

Hallo xinuser, thanks for the suggestion. Where did you buy the Hid from? Did you buy it from the Japanese page?
I bought it from www. xenonkungen .se in Sweden, but I think it was the last one they had in stock. I paid 500 USD including an extra Li-on battery and Shipping.I believe you can get it from Norway www.torgersenbil.no. Normally I order my lights from U.S.A but at this time the Dollar is extreamly high, and if you order the JF9910 from US you get the pig tail at the back that Patriot 36 is talking about, cause I think thats an ACRO idea. I forgot to mention that the light is water resistant and has a very nice beam. If the 990 throws 600 m, the 9910 throws about 800-900 m, and with the Li-on battery you get a very good runtime
The L35 is in more trouble than most people realize. Through no fault of Matt's, the product MAY be indefinitely delayed. That's all I can say without getting banned.
The L35 is in more trouble than most people realize. Through no fault of Matt's, the product MAY be indefinitely delayed. That's all I can say without getting banned.

What involvement with the L35 do you have? Matt stated in the L35 Thread that he was shooting for January or February.
I have NO involvement with the L35. I hope Matt is right, but like I said in my previous post, there are things at work that are beyond Matt's control and the delay thus far is not Matt's doing.

I would love to be surprised by the L35 come next year, but that could turn out to be optimistic.
Thanks for all good info, I really interrested in a Acro now, seems to be a great litle thing ;-)

I looked at the Norwegan sight but the Hid was rather expensive there, and it might be more cost due too taxes to Sweden etc. Do someone know if there is an European websight how sells it? If there is an websight in the Great Britain how sells it would be lovely due to the exchange rate between £ and Swedish Kr.
Thanks for all good info, I really interrested in a Acro now, seems to be a great litle thing ;-)

I looked at the Norwegan sight but the Hid was rather expensive there, and it might be more cost due too taxes to Sweden etc. Do someone know if there is an European websight how sells it? If there is an websight in the Great Britain how sells it would be lovely due to the exchange rate between £ and Swedish Kr.

Sorry I don't know of any European Acro distributors. I suppose you could do a search under "Maxtel"

Here is a small review of with the Acro in it.
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I think the best you can do if you want this light, is to get it from the U.S.A , Brightguy or Magnalight. The total cost will be around 550 dollar, all taxes included.

I have made a little search for it on google, but I find it really hard to find the HID in Europe. Do you now why the pig tal only is on the exampels from USA and not from other Countries? (correct me if I´m wrong :poke:)
My home made theory is. ACRO- pigtail. Maxtel- no tail, and it's there because you should be able to connect it to an extern 12 v source, for instance a boat or car battery. If you look at the pictures at www.maxtel.jp you can see that they have another solution, probably the idea came from ACRO U.S.A and they made it their way, Maxtel thought it was a "bright" idea and started making this connection directly in the factory in Taiwan. As I said, this is my own homemade theory

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