L4 vs. Strion for an EMT


Newly Enlightened
Jan 31, 2007
I'm an EMT looking for a compact flashlight to use on-duty.

Most applications will be short to medium range, such as light directly on a patient's wound while it's being bandaged, an unlit bedroom, or a small area on a sidewalk. Occasionally, long-range when locating an apartment number or a door inside a complex.

I'd like it compact for small holster belt carry or even pocket carry. Since most EMTs don't carry much on their belt, I want to keep it compact and out of the way (partially to prevent getting comments about overpreparedness).

I like L4's long runtime and output, even if less intense after an hour. I especially like it's size...and most probably won't expect the light output from that size.

Strion is a bit bigger, but allows me to recharge, though apparently I can use rechargeables on L4 with lower runtime? Also Strion has a "wider beam" which can be good at scenes to light everyone up when working on an extracation or side of the freeway...but not as bright... And shorter runtime

I'm assuming they're both rugged and resilient. It will probably be dropped a number of times.

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you,

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Well they're 2 different animals. Depending how much you use it the charge base setup on the Strion might be nice for you. But the beam pattern is very much a long throwing beam, while the L4 is all flood and isn't likely to illuminate the numbers on houses from a distance. For up close work I think a L4 would be excellent.
I have both lights. If you plan of using the light every work day I would go with the Strion because it is rechargeable and focusable. Not a bad spot for such a small light. I like my L4 but it lacks in throw compared to the strion but the L4 will light up an entire room with its wide beam.

If your looking to save some money I would suggest the Strion.
You might want to take a serious look at Surefire's A2 as well - I think it would probably be the perfect flashlight for your situation.

As VWTim noted, the L4's flood beam gives you great "up-close" illumination, but won't illuminate distant objects as well. The strion's great for distance work, but it only has one mode ("high"), and may actually be too bright for close-up work.

Enter the A2. The A2 puts two very different light sources - LEDs and an incan - into a single light. The LEDs are designed to provide a low-level, floodlight-like illumination for "close" work. They last a very long time - up to 18 hours on a single set of batteries. However, the A2 also houses a powerful 50 lumen incan beam, which will throw well and should be able to light up objects in the distance. The 2-stage tailcap design that the A2 uses is ingenious - you can access both light sources from the same button. Press lightly for the LEDs, press harder for the incan. You can also twist the tailcap for constant-on.

The A2's very compact, and very rugged (after all, it's Surefire quality!). CPF member carrot offered a great, detailed review of the A2 that you might want to read. The bottom line is that it's an incredibly functional flashlight. (No, I don't work for Surefire, but I do have an A2 - and I love it.)

Hope this helps!

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I personally like a 2 stage light. Low mode for up close patient work, and high mode for extrications, looking for house numbers, and lighting dark alleys.
Except for those instances where you need a long-range flashlight, the Strion may not be suited for use in EMT functions. It's far too bright with a pretty small spot for most EMT applications. But as an upgrade to any of the 2xCR123 incandescent lights, the Strion is great.

I was comparing my Stinger to a colleague's Strion and he commented that the Stinger looked a little brighter (just a tad), and they both seemed to be about the same in tint. I pretty much agreed, but wondered why they were so close. ... I'd forgotten that I've been running a Strion bulb in there for 2 years :stupid:
I'm also an EMT.

The light I carry when I'm on duty is a Fenix L1T with a Night-Ize headband strap. It's not as bright or sexy as either of the lights you mentioned, but I believe its much more appropriate for our job. Every time that I absolutely needed a small light, I needed both my hands free even more. The Fenix headband setup is perfect for hands free close up work. (I used to carry a headlamp, which is even better, but I got teased mercilessly, so I switched to the Fenix)

For the other stuff, we have large dedicated lights in our rig. For example we have a large HID flood light for site illumination that hooks up to a generator and a magcharger for address spotting and anything that the flood light isn't appropriate for. What I usually do if the scene is dark is to ask my driver to go get the Magcharger while I go to work with my head lamp. When he gets back, he'll ceiling bounce or whatever is needed.

I don't think its a good idea to depend on a portable light for the larger scale stuff. My advice is to go for something that will serve you for close to medium range as a duty light, and just leave the really bright stuff on the rig to grab as needed.

Also, I've never been to a scene where there were no police officers. In my experience, they always carry nice lights and are usually eager to help out and hold their lights on whatever you ask them to.
Good suggestions here! I also thought that the Strion would be a bit much for many close-range uses, and you'll definitely need variable output of some sort. Also, a headlight would be ideal, as it frees up both hands and a not insignificant amount of concentration. With all that in mind, I recommend the Apex. A friend of mine uses the original 4AA version for outdoorsy park ranger tasks. It should work very nicely for you, too.

There's a 4AA version and a new, slightly more expensive 2xCR123A version.

Yeah, for large scaled scenes, we always have FD and PD show up with their huge lights. I'm looking for something to use when the ambulance (us) is first on-scene for a bit.

I went to the store and was trying out the Scion. The lady told me that in her honest opinion she would get the Stinger over the Scion, because they're similar power (they are, the Scion was only a bit weaker and smaller shining it on the floor) and the back button the Scion tends to get stuck and there's often fidgiting trying to click it on. I also liked the feel of the Stinger, more, so I actually bought it.

It's on trial period, though. I can return it. In the meantime, I'm going to to a store that carries the L4. I looked up the A2, but that's way out of my price range...L4 was pushing it, already.
Did you try the new LED stinger? Just got mine a few weeks ago. Longer run time than the original stinger and has different modes including strobe.
I am also an EMT, and I carry an L4. I have one of the McE2S two-stage tailcap switches, which gives me two levels. This light has never failed to do exactly what I need it to do. Of course, I also carry a penlight (UK 2AAA eLed penlight -- the regulated one) for pupils and an L1T as a backup (soon to be an L1D CE, once it arrives).

I really like the fact that the L4 is LED, so no bulb burnouts at inconvenient moments. It's also water resistant enough that I can use alcohol or Cavicide or whatever is available to decontaminate it, if necessary. I use it with rechargable Pila cells, and carry a couple of extra cells, so battery cost isn't an issue either.
I have an L4 with an McE2S two-stage tailcap switch. It is fantastic. The beam is super. My L4's beam is whiter than any other flashlight I have ever seen, bar none. It is has a floody beam that lights up a whole room. The two-stage tailcap is good to have because the L4 is very bright. Also, the L4 is short and light enough to clip to the bill of a cap, if you need to use both hands.
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I carry a stinger (LEO) but I only got it over a strion because it can double as an impact weapon :-D

Depending on the area you work you might need the "dual purpose" stinger as well
The L4 as peeps above have stated is superb for short range suject illumination, I have used my L4 several times as a light source for EMT's as they are working on one of our customers.

Just another thought, and much cheaper, why not get a SF 6P and put a beamshaper on it (IIRC its a F34) nearly as good as the L4 for close up then flip the lid off for spotting house numbers. I have just stopped carrying this set up as the beamshaper makes it a bit uncomfortable sat in the car (as I'm a bit lardy at the moment :rolleyes: ) and I carry a L4 as well as the 6P.

2 of AW protected R123A's and a P90 bulb give you a great recharegable option as would one of his 3.7v LA's with a 17670. I have tried both and they give excellent results.
Well, I took the new Stinger out on its first shift.

Hardly used it.

Why? It's a bit too big to carry on belt (If you carry even one thing on your belt here, you're labelled a an overzealous "Ricky Rescue"...something size of a Stinger is a bit much). I ended up either forgetting it or if it was in my inside jacket pocket (only other place it'd fit), I couldn't get to it once my hands were bloody.

I like the size/feel of it, though and like Topgunz1 said, it can double as an impact weapon (I work Inglewood, Compton, South Central, Calif. areas).

I'm considering going back to the store and buying the Strion. It's comparable in light power to Stinger...the negative is the rotating on switch at the back (it has a click tail button, but you have to hold it to keep it on).

Also, Strion I could probably throw in my back pocket or outside jacket pocket or get a clip. I have to decide soon, though, before the Stinger starts getting scratched up. And of course L4 is still a possibility....though I really like Stinger as a person all around light...
light_emitting_dude said:
Did you try the new LED stinger? Just got mine a few weeks ago. Longer run time than the original stinger and has different modes including strobe.
No, they didn't have that one. They did have the XT, though, which felt even better in my hand, but too big.

I'm also considering having a SAP pocket (pocket sewn into back leg of pants) that might fit the Stinger or Strion on...?
Guys, hoping to get your help with my next flashlight decision:

I think I'm going to buy the L4 as my primary (to keep in uniform pocket). I need it to be small (and impressive). :)

I'd also like a backup (and for home use), either Stinger XT or Stinger LED.

How does the Stinger LED compare to Stinger and Stinger XT?

Also, some mentioned the A2 with different settings. How does it compare to the ones above in brightness?
I also just saw the Luma L1 Hunter review, but didn't see lumen information. Are LEDs not measured in lumens? I had trouble comparing it to the L4 and Stingers. The main feature I want is explosive brightness :)