Laptop clock is suddenly 10 minutes off....???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2002
Bay Area, CA
Ok, this is weird.
My 4-month old eMachines laptop (WinXP-SP2) is suddenly losing 10 minutes a day.
Not a slow loss.... I'll just look down at the clock and see that it's exactly 10 minutes slow.
I'll do an Internet time update and it will adjust but 24 hours later it will again be exactly 10 minutes off.

Has anyone seen anything like this?
No idea about this one, but my laptop does the same thing if I put it on standby (does so automatically when I close the screen) - it freezes everything, the clock included. If I actually use the standby button it doesn't halt the clock though. Wierd. This is an old Zenith Z-Note 1000 running Win98SE.

I had a problem like that with my old Amiga A1200 last year as well (though it was the date that used to jump rather than the clock), and that was due to a bad motherboard battery.
I'm reaching here....

XP has a built in clock synch. Is it possible your ISP is off by those 10 minutes (check time stamps on test emails).

When you force a time synch with another source you're then getting the correct time?

The clock on my home PC has been keeping horrible time recently too. Every time I do an internet update (once a week), it pulls the time down by about 3 minutes. I guess it could be a failing battery but the mobo is less than years old.

Well believe it or not I believe I've narrowed it down to the screensaver I was using.
I'd changed it to one of them 3D Aquarium ones (my new son LOVES it -- Prozac for babies) and that's right when I noticed the problem start.
I switched it back to a different one and the problem seems to have disappeared.
Who woulda thunk it?