Lasers and animals- newbie question

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Newly Enlightened
Jun 11, 2006
Are medium/low mw green lasers effective/ethical for scaring away rodents and deer from a persons yard?
Effective? I don't think so. Why would they be scared of a green dot on the ground? Most animals show curiosity when they see it. And ethical? No! When you're going to wave the thing around chances are you're pointing it in their eyes which could easily damage their vision.
I talked to Atlasnova and they disagreed with you totally. He says up to 50mw of green will not harm mammnals eyes permanently (they do get residual green flash that can last a few minutes) and is effective for scaring them away. In fact he says he sells many for just that particular use.
cary1952 said:
He says up to 50mw of green will not harm mammnals eyes permanently (they do get residual green flash that can last a few minutes) and is effective for scaring them away.
All it takes is a few minutes with a "residual green flash" for an animal to run out in the road and not see a car coming. :poof:

Doesn't SOUND scare animals away more than light?? :shrug:
SOUND can easily scare your neighbors too ;)

But sure, if i put up all my speakers (6 x 15" tops, 2 x 18" bass speakers) in the backyard... i will surely scare some animals away :D
Just run out in your yard waving your arms and screaming like a lunatic. They will run. So will everyone else that sees you.
Ride out into the backyard on a unicycle while juggling flaming torches, the animals will become very disoriented and flee immediately. They hate that sort of Tom Foolery as much as loosing an eye due to improper Laser use.
cary1952 said:
I talked to Atlasnova and they disagreed with you totally. He says up to 50mw of green will not harm mammnals eyes permanently (they do get residual green flash that can last a few minutes) and is effective for scaring them away. In fact he says he sells many for just that particular use.
Huh? Atlasnova actually recommends pointing a 50mW laser into mammals' eyes to scare them away? Doesn't sound ethical to me. :thumbsdow
gecko991 said:
Ride out into the backyard on a unicycle while juggling flaming torches, the animals will become very disoriented and flee immediately. They hate that sort of Tom Foolery as much as loosing an eye due to improper Laser use.

NICE !!!

Well, this opens up a huge can of worms - where I am sure the next debate will be whether it's okay to use animals as food, and clothing as well. All ethics aside - because of the wavelengths involved with green pointers, yes - it scares the crap outta them (maybe not litteraly) and they flee. There are not too man GOOD natural sources of green light in nature, and phosphorescent moss aside - most would indicate poison, or danger to an animal - so they get away from it as fast as possible. My father uses a 25mw to check the alignment of his RC airplanes wings, and also to chase the deer outta his yard - as they destroy everything in their path. MUCH more humane than the pellet rifle he WAS using. We are not talking about using a 300mmw laser to smoke them in their tracks or anything - and I have yet to see a report (other than the standard FDA warnings) that says that 25mw will permanently harm eyesight. Just my $.02.
Nisei said:
Huh? Atlasnova actually recommends pointing a 50mW laser into mammals' eyes to scare them away? Doesn't sound ethical to me. :thumbsdow
Don't you just love it when people put words in your mouth?

Atlasnova did not RECOMMEND anything, he only said it was effective to scare them away and 30-40 mw will not hurt them.

You are twisting what abeland said, and what i wrote.
Of course they are going to say it is effective if they think it has any chance of being effective because to them it means another $ale - but it is a BAD idea and you would have a much better chance of scaring them away by pointing a bright Flashlight at them. Animals don't like to be where they can't see - I've used an LED light to scare off one of the biggest Racoons I'd ever seen as he was about to go in my RV. With a flashlight you won't take a chance of damaging their eyes as they will naturally turn away - just don't use a 4000 Lumen Mac torch.
matrixshaman said:
Of course they are going to say it is effective if they think it has any chance of being effective because to them it means another $ale - .
Don't you just love it when someone who has never dealt with you and has no knowledge of your reputation within the group calls you a prostitute?
abeland1 said:
Don't you just love it when someone who has never dealt with you and has no knowledge of your reputation within the group calls you a prostitute?

Ha, ya i thought that was pretty amusing as well.
This thread has run its course ... the topic was questionable from the beginning and the personal insults and attacks made it a trainwreck now.
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