How do you sharpen your mower blade?
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Removing the blade & clamping it in a bench vise,
then letting an angle grinder have at it.
One of the most satisfying things to do!
I grind up soo much stuff in the fall with my mower,, mulch & compost fest 🎃
Do you use any kind of a guide? Or do you just eyeball it?
I just eyeball it, and my blade has been so bad in the past, that any improvement is an improvement, but I am wondering if there are any tips and tricks.
+Do you use any kind of a guide? Or do you just eyeball it?
I just eyeball it, and my blade has been so bad in the past, that any improvement is an improvement, but I am wondering if there are any tips and tricks.
You can get a sense of the correct edge angle. If you overly think sharpening a mower blade, your day will get long.
May need to hand file a bit, to deburr.
Typing this makes me want to do mine
Chance, I didn't see your post 5 while I was typing ^^^^^^^^
CG, so if we use four letter words like SH*T or CRAP this new CPF platform auto corrects?
So crap is permitted but sh*tting is not allowed🤬
I use a dremel bit that is basically a jig with a hardened sanding drum attached, you guide up and down the blade with it still attached to the mower.
If you use it a few times a season it works well. If you use it each Spring, it's faster to use the bench method described above.
Ear plugs and goggles reccomended. I also keep a bucket of water nearby in case sparks cause a fire.