So I just caught wind of this LED bulb - uses 150 LEDs, 9 watts, and up to 594 lumens if you're willing to go without the cool looks.
You're a very special kind of person -- our kind of person -- if you're the type to drop a good $65 on a single light bulb only because it's made up of 150 warm white LEDs. The 308 lumen (and 594 lumen frosted glass version) bulb sips only 9.2 watts, but is said to be equivalent of a 70 watt incandescent, meaning even though you'll improve your energy consumption by roughly 87%, at 20 cents a kilowatt-hour it'll still take you about 4,600 hours of incandescent use to reconcile the bulb's. But you want one anyway, don't you? Like we said, our kind of person.