LED conversion of incan 3D Maglite and 2AA Mini Maglite


Newly Enlightened
Aug 25, 2008
South Australia
Hi, Picked up a combo deal on a 3D Maglite with a 2AA MiniMaglite at the local supermarket (Coles) here in Australia for AU$35, which is quite cheap here. They are both incans. Probably not that practical as I already had both these units anyway, but just can't resist the maglites....very reliable I've had the other two for probably 20 years and still going well.

Anyway what I'm after is recommendations for led drop ins for each of these. As I'm in Australia it needs to be someone who can ship here. I have a 3w mag upgrade led in my old 3D mag, which I'm happy with (at least compared to the original incan) and have a 3led NiteIze in one of the mini mags which is pretty dissapointing (but still better than original)

So for the 3DMag I'd like at least a 3watt minimum led and probably a 1 watt for the minimag. Price is a consideration due to the currency rates and postage etc, ie don't want to spend too much on torches that were reasonably cheap.
I have looked at DX who have free postage but can't seem to find any drop ins that are mean't for maglite. Any Ideas?
Also noted the Terralux range at Battery Junction eg http://www.batteryjunction.com/tle-6exb.html which would be the maximum I'd want to spend on the 3D
Any recommendations, or heads up for good deals from suppliers who ship overseas , for either the 3D or 2AA mini maglite most appreciated.

I already have as well a new Fenix L2D Q5 premium (very Happy) and a few other generic Cree led lights.
So where can I get the best deal on LEDS for the 3D maglite and 2AA minimaglite?
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Oops, sorry reading it now! I did do a search but didn't turn up too much that was recent. completely overlooked the stickies.:ohgeez:

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