LED Drop in for MagCharger?

They have updated their product line a bit, the new TLE-300MR-EX is 700 lumens compared to the old one's 600 lumens.

What do you mean by scary? Price is a bit steep, but it's definately worth it. ;)

I think they are the only ones that do.
No, price isn't the issue. Their quality in the past has been a bit spotty, and the fact that their design doesn't allow you to adjust the head creates issues.

It's no big deal if I were the only one using it, but if I loan it to someone and they try to adjust the head the way every MagLite adjusts, it can break the legs.
i have tle 300 in my mags for few years now, i'm very happy with it, i had no quality related issues , actually i had no issues with that drop in, one thing is hot spot shape is very unusual, like 6 squares, but it has no negative effect on its performance, the only time you notice it is when you shine the light on the wall, outside in he woods, you don't see it.
i have never regretted spending $70 on it, thou mine is old 600lm version.
magcharger drop in is the same one except connectors
No, price isn't the issue. Their quality in the past has been a bit spotty, and the fact that their design doesn't allow you to adjust the head creates issues.

It's no big deal if I were the only one using it, but if I loan it to someone and they try to adjust the head the way every MagLite adjusts, it can break the legs.

I had the exact same problem with my MiniMag. Had a Terralux TLE5-EX in it and gave it to my Mom. I had a tailcap switch on it but she must have cranked on the lamphead and broke the legs on the emitter.
Terralux sent me a replacement and this one has a real beefed up circuit to protect against the same thing happening. I have a MagCharger, but don't feel it is worth the upgrade. If I was to do the Terralux upgrade, I would apply some epoxy to prevent focus adjustment which as you know is lost with the upgrade.
yes, twisting the head will damage drop in, thou i never had problem with it (never twisted), but i agree it could be a problem.
epoxy i wouldn't do, it will most likely make the light unusable in regular mode, if you ever decide to remove the drop in, few drops of loctite will do just fine.
yes, twisting the head will damage drop in, thou i never had problem with it (never twisted), but i agree it could be a problem.
epoxy i wouldn't do, it will most likely make the light unusable in regular mode, if you ever decide to remove the drop in, few drops of loctite will do just fine.

Good suggestion, thanks.

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